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<br />'ì' !NCla. ['kl~~"^'\ ~t . <br />I~ ~JLc8 <) \ I <br />, 12ur=.~ ~ìl'[C\ <br />December 9, 1993 \ <br /> <br />PLANNING REPORT: <br /> <br />DA TE: <br /> <br />CASE NUMBER: <br /> <br />2631 <br /> <br />APPLICANT: <br /> <br />CSM Corporation <br /> <br />LOCA TION: <br /> <br />2360 W. County Road C, West of the Minnesota <br />Transfer Railway Right-of-Way <br /> <br />ACTION REQUESTED: <br /> <br />PUD Concept Plan Approval and Preliminary Plat, <br />Rezoning from 1-2 to PUD <br /> <br />1 . <br /> <br />.,.)., V <br />~- ,'\\1""" <br />~¿"~ <br />{Ý~ ;...L,~ <br />~, <br />,.,..0 <br /> <br />2. <br /> <br />BACKGROUND <br /> <br />CSM is proposing to redevelop a parcel of land in Roseville located south <br />of County Road C, west of the Minnesota Transfer Railway right-of-way and <br />north of the Burlington Northem Railroad right-of-way. The site, commonly <br />known as the Ettinger property, is approximately 14 acres in size and is <br />zoned 1-2 General Industrial. The CSM proposal include$ demolishing a <br />portion of the existing building, reconfiguring and modifYing the appearance <br />of that building and adding two office/warehouse facilities to the site. Total <br />building square footage for the site is proposed to be 212,744 sq. ft. <br /> <br />Development Summary <br /> <br /> <br />Existing Site Conditions <br /> <br />The site under consideration is 14.38 acres in size and is zoned 1-2 Genera] <br />Industrial. The Comprehensive Plan designation for this area is also <br />industrial. The site is cun'ently only partially developed. The west portion <br />o of the site contains a warehouse facility that was constnlcted in 1985. This <br />. 1 facility is connected to the Ettinger Truck Tenninal, which, was COl1stnfcted <br />./ in the 1940ts. There is also a small service garage at the south end of the <br /> <br />~ ~~~.ists of two tax parcels, the smaHest of which is not developable on its <br />