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<br />Site Area <br /> <br />Phase I <br />Phase II <br />Total <br /> <br />485,553 Sq. Ft. <br />188,383 Sq. Ft. <br />673,936 Sq. Ft. <br /> <br />Building Area <br /> <br />Phase I <br />Phase II <br />Total <br /> <br />159,480 Sq. Ft. <br />53,264 Sq. Ft. <br />212,744 Sq Ft. <br /> <br />Parking Required Office 5 spaces/1 000 Sq. Ft. <br />Warehouse I space/20aO sq. Ft. <br />Parking Provided 400 Stalls (1.85/100 Sq. Ft.) <br /> <br />The Planned Unit Development proposes the demolition of the origina1 truck <br />tenninal and service garage and the construction of two new <br />office/warehouse facilities being cOl1stnlcted in two phases. The first phase <br />of development would consist of a new building of approximately 99,480 sq. <br />ft. and the rehabilitation and upgrading of the 60,000 sq. ft. warehouse <br />facility that was constructed in 1985. The second phase of development <br />proposes the cOl1stmction of a new building of approximately 53,265 sq, ft. <br /> <br />The existing tmck tenninal facility has seven underground storage tanks <br />located at the north end of the site and around the service garage, The <br />proposed development would include the removal' of these underground <br />storage tanks, the remediation of any contaminated soils associated with the <br />tanks, and the removal of any asbestos or other hazardous matedal that may <br />be associated with the existing tenninal. The eastell,l portion of the site has <br />environmental concenlS of a more significant nature. The applicant has <br />indicated that testing done to date has indicated levels of soil and ground <br />water contamination of some significance. The proPQsed development would <br />also include the remediation of the existing soil cOlitamination on the east <br />portion of the property. <br /> <br />Subdivision and PUD Request <br /> <br />Because of the current tax parcel configuration of the property, a subdivision <br />is being requested in order to allow for the closing on the first phase of the <br />project with the current land owner, to be followed immediately thereafter <br />by the demolition of the existing truck tenninal and service garage, the <br />removal of the underground storage tanks, and the commencement of <br />constnlction of the 96,625 sq. ft. first phase office/warehouse facility. The <br />