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<br />Attached to this report are colored elevations of each of the building depicting the use of each <br />material for each of the four buildings. While the basic building materials, such as brick, block, <br />and stucco are common to each building, the use of colored awnings, roofs applied detailing, and <br />signage will unique to each users identity. <br /> <br />LANDSCAPING: The landscape plan submitted indicates that 23 percent of the site is dedicated <br />to green space and ponding area. The code requires that a minimum offive percent of the parking <br />area be set aside for landscaping. This threshold is met with the plan as presented and, together <br />with the foundation plantings, adds continuity amongst the users in the four buildings. The <br />perimeter planting scheme emphasizes clusters to alIow visibility for both this site and the Byerly's <br />Center to the west. As plans are finalized a careful look at the planting scheme in relationship to <br />the LRT easement will need to be completed by staff In addition, engineering staff reminds us <br />that the landscaping plan should respect the placement of underground utilities. The revised <br />landscape plan incorporates the Planning Commission's concerns about adding more evergreen <br />species to the site plan to provide more year round interest <br /> <br />SITE SIGN AGE: This Planned Unit Development proposal includes two pylon s1gns; one at the <br />midpoint along Snelling Avenue, and one at the proposed entrance on Lincoln Drive. The pylons <br />are proposed to be 20 feet high with the name of the center at the top of each sign and the names <br />of three primary users on each pylon sign. City code sets a maximum height of 20 feet for pylon <br />signs. Also included in the plan is a monument sign along Snelling Avenue specifically for the <br />restaurant site. <br /> <br />In addition, the building elevations indicate that the names of each user would be located in <br />defined sign band areas for each building. The signage wm be in compliance with the Roseville <br />sign age requirements for allowable building signage. <br /> <br />The applicant is well aware that the Planning Commission recommended one pylon sign for the <br />project. It is their feel1ng that the City code provides an opportunity for more pylon signage that <br />they are proposing and that the signage is important for the success of their retail area. <br /> <br />SITE LIGHTING: Site lighting will be consistent throughout the proposal. At this point, they <br />are proposing a shoebox type fixture on 20 foot high poles. They are also indicating that each <br />individual building will provide its own accent lighting as well. <br /> <br />TRAFFIC CONSIDERATIONS: As indicated earlier, the traffic consultant's report is included <br />for your review with this report. The recommendation for a median, dividing the in/out traffic <br />onto Lincoln Drive, across from the Byerly's entrance has been incorporated into the site plan. <br />The consultant's report also recommended closing the easterly access point from the Conoco <br />Service Road to the restaurant site be closed. The applicant's response to this recommendation <br />has been to modify the site plan, making this drive an ingress only drive, directing traffic to the <br />westerly opening to this service road. The Engineering Depart~ent has reviewed this design and <br />feel that while it improves the situation, they are still concerne~ that traffic will use this as an <br />egress point. By moving the access point to the ~est, the caners about "stacking" are <br />