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<br />RLC ~mploys sixteen staff members, and has plans for <br />additional hiring. Well over 3,000 individuals are members of the <br />congregation -- many hundreds more consider it their church home. <br />RLC facilities are host to almost two dozen community-based groups <br />and activities, from serving as a voting site to housing Scout <br />Troop 155, Al Anon, AA, Chrysalis, WE CARE, Roseville Lutheran <br />Nursery School, and many other local resources. <br />As long ago as 1987 RLC knew that its ministry was again <br />exceeding the space available to house it. In 1993 the City of <br />Roseville exchanged RLC's former Lexington School site (County Road <br />B and Lexington Avenue) for a portion of Bruce Russell Park <br />directly to the east of RLC's property. RLC and the City have <br />agreed to convert an additional half acre parcel to shared use <br />parking and recreation at RLC's expense sometime after 2002. <br />RLC's parcel now totals 5.75 acres, all zoned R-l. Church <br />facilities are a permitted use on R-1. property. RLC does not <br />request any zoning change for this land. <br /> <br />REQUESTED VARIANCE FROM R-l ZONING REQUIREMENTS <br />The topography of this site, which includes a ten-foot drop <br />off between the main level of the existing church and the level of <br />the current baseball field, creates both a design challenge and a <br />unique opportunity. RLC' s first two sanctuaries, like most <br />churches in Minnesota, were constructed with a basement underneath <br />them. To reduce the height of the proposed Worship Center, RLC has <br />eliminated a basement from the design of the new addition. As a <br /> <br />2 <br />