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<br />,~I <br /> <br />.11' <br />;, <br />71J' <br />\ 'i I <br /> <br />I <br /> <br /> <br />(jl <br />b' <br /> <br />Ir <br />-~ <br />I, <br />r, <br /> <br />(/!z"Io.., <br /> <br />\ .1 <br />It <br />tl' <br />f1J;' , <br /> <br />, , <br /> <br />ft <br />;J <br />:, <br />'i <br />(-, <br />I 'Ii <br /> <br />:) <br />:'. <br />:'i <br /> <br />200-13 <br /> <br />Necessary easements and permits (inCluding highway and railroad <br />permits will be secured and paid for by the OWNER, unless <br />otherwise specified in the contract Documenta;.provided, <br />however, that the CONTRACTOR sliall not go onto land other than <br />the OWNER'S without ascertalninq from the OWNER or ENGINEER that <br />the easement has been acquired). The CONTRACTOR shall, at his <br />cost, obtain use of all additional lands and'access thereto that <br />he may require for temporary construction facilities or storage <br />of materials'~nd equipment. ' <br /> <br />215.2 'The OWNER will, upon request, :.fumish to the CONTRACTOR copies <br />of all available boundary surveys and sub-surface tests. <br /> <br />215.3 The CONTRACTOR will promptly notify the OWNER'in writinq of any <br />subsurfaoe or latent physical conditions at the site differing <br />materially from those indicated in the contract Documents. The <br />ENGINEER will promptly investiqate those conditions and advise <br />the OWNER in writing if further surveys or sUb-surface tests are <br />necessary. Promptly thereafter, the OWNER Will obtain tbe <br />neoessary additional surveys and tests and furnish, copies to the <br />ENGINEER and the CONTRACTOR. If the ENGINEER finds that the <br />results of such surveys or tests indicate subsurface or latent <br />physical conditions differing significantly from those indicated <br />in the contract Documents, a Change Order shall be issued incor- <br />porating the necessary revisions. <br /> <br />215.4 The ENGINEER will provide engineering surveys to establish such <br />general reference points as in his judgment will enable the <br />CONTRACTOR to proceed with 'the Work. The CONTRACTOR will be <br />responsible for the layout or the Work and shall protect and <br />preserve the established reference points and will make no <br />chanqes or relocations without. the prior written apPX70val of the <br />ENGINEER. Be wi-II report to ,the ENGINEER whenever any reference <br />point is lost or destroyed or requires relocation because of <br />necessary changes in grades or locati~ns. 'If, in the opinion of <br />the ENGINEER, any of the referenoe points have been carelessly <br />destroyed or disturbed by the CONTRACTOR,: .the cost, to the OWNER <br />of replacing them shall be charged against, -the CON'l'RAC'I'OR and <br />shall be deducted from the payment for, the Work. <br /> <br />216.0 . USE OF P~EMIS~S <br /> <br />216.1 The CONTRACTOR will confine h1sequipment, the storaqe of <br />materials and equipment and the,operations of his workmen to <br />limits indicated by law, ordinances, p~rm1ts, or the,require- <br />ments of 1:he. contraCt Documents,' and shall not unreasonably <br />encumber the premis~B with materials or equipm~nt., <br /> <br />. <br />216. 2 The CONTRACTOR will not load nor permit any part of ':'t:he <br />structure to be loaded with weights that will endanqer 1:I1e <br />structure or exceed the design load. ' <br /> <br />217 .0 $AFE~Y AND PROT~CTJ;ON: EMERGENCIES <br />