Laserfiche WebLink
<br />(~~ , <br />",I <br />n <br />, <br />II"'" <br />r <br />1, , <br />tl <br />II <br />{I <br />{ <br /> <br />I.t <br />f. <br />tt <br />)~ <br />r. <br />It <br /> <br /> <br />, <br /> <br />i,1 <br /> <br />~. <br /> <br />.~ <br />!"I' <br />tl <br />II <br /> <br />j, <br /> <br />)1 <br /> <br />200-15 <br /> <br />continue throughout construction. The contractor shall contact <br />the U.S. postal service to determine specific location require- <br />ments an~stand.ards and notify all homeowners as to where their <br />mailboxes will be temporarily set. Following construction, <br />contractor shall take appropriate measures to re-install mail- <br />boxes at the approximate former locations in a manner acceptable <br />to the postal service. <br /> <br />street signs shall be removed as necessary during construction <br />and relocated following construction as .directed by the <br />engineer. <br /> <br />Relocation and re-installation, of mailboxes and street signs <br />shall, be done without direct compensation therefore. <br /> <br />219.0 <br /> <br />HA1ERIALS. ~OUIPMENT ~ LABOR <br /> <br />219.1 The CONTRACTOR shall provide and pay for all materials, <br />equil)ment, labor, transportation, construction equipment and <br />machinery, tools, appliances, fuel, power, light, heat, <br />telephone, water and sanitary facilities and all other <br />facilities and incidentals necessary'for the, execution, testing, <br />initial operation and completion of the Work. <br /> <br />219.2 . All 1naterials and equipment will be new. When required by the <br />ENGINEER, the CONTRAcTOR shall furnish satisfactory evidence as <br />to the kInd and quality of m~terials and equipment. <br /> <br />219.3 All manufactured materials and equipment shall be applied, <br />installed, connected; erected, used, c+eaned and conditioned as <br />directed by the manufacturer. <br /> <br />220.0 mBNT FEES, ~D RQYAt1IES <br /> <br />The CONTRACTOR shall pay all license fees and royalties and <br />asswna all costs incidental to ,the use of any invention, deslqn, <br />process or device which is the sUbject of patent rights or <br />copyrights held by othe~s. ~ He shall indemnify and hold harmless <br />the OWNER and anyone directly or indirectly employed by either <br />of t:hem from and against all claims, damaqes, losses and <br />expenses (including attorney's fees) arising out of any <br />infringement of such rights during or after completion of the <br />Work, and shall defend all such claims in oonnection with any <br />allEtged infringement of such rights. <br /> <br />221.0 RiBMITS. LAWS.' TAXES ANI) REGULATION~ <br /> <br />221.1 The CONTRACTOR shall secure and pay for all construction permits <br />and licenses and will pay all qovernmental 'and public utility <br />charges arfd--~tnspection fees necessary for the prosecution of the <br />Work. <br /> <br />221.2 The CONTRACTOR shall give all notices and comply with all laws, <br />ordinances, rules and regulations and permi~ stipulations <br />applicable to the Work. If the CONTRACTOR observes that 'the <br />