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<br />11 <br />fJ <br />(I <br />rt <br />II <br />r' <br />'t' , <br />, ' <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />r', <br />(~ <br />'I <br />r, <br />It <br />l' <br />tl~ <br />fl <br />I- <br />f) <br />rt <br />(I <br /> <br />... <br /> <br />224.0 <br /> <br />225.0 <br />225.1 <br /> <br />225.2 <br /> <br />200-17 <br /> <br />denied, the contractor must notifY the resident to make 'other <br />arranqements for parking. ' <br /> <br />WATER <br /> <br />Water shall b~ used as directed by the engineer as a dust <br />control and for 'the maintenance of sod. The oontractor shall <br />keep an operable water truck (or 'have one ave:i~~ble'to the <br />project within one hour of notification by the engineer) durinq <br />construction; Ther. will,q~, no ch,rqe for this wate;. <br />However, the contractor shall make 'his own arrangements for <br />securing water from public or private sources, and securinq <br />necessary permits and meters. The necessary, permits can be <br />procured from chris Miller, located in the Roseville Finance <br />Department. The taking of water from the city's water system <br />without a permit is a violation of the city code, 'Section 66.420 <br />and violators will be prosecuted. <br /> <br />The contractor snall not dispose of.ahy waste water ,or any test <br />water in the city's sanitary sewer, unless written arrangements <br />are made with the city. All costs incurred shall be considered <br />as incidental to the work. <br /> <br />WQRK NEAR UTILITJES <br /> <br />P~osec~tion of Work Near Exis~i~9 Uti~itie~ <br /> <br />The provision of HnDOT Spec. 1507 shall apply on this project, <br />except as modified below. <br /> <br />The only known underground utilities are natural gas mains and <br />electric power, sanitary sewers and service lines, watermains <br />and servioe lines and existing storm sewers, culve~s, telephone <br />cables and T.V. cables. Before commenoing work, the. contractor <br />shall obtain location of the underground utilities from' one or <br />more of the fOllowing: <br /> <br />GOPHER l-CALL: <br /> <br />454-0002 <br /> <br />WATERMAIN, SANITARY, AND STORM LINES: Roseville pu1)lic Works Dept. <br />490-2312 <br /> <br />NORTHWESTERN' BELL TELEPHONE CO.: <br />NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY: <br /> <br />Gene McLoUd, 221-5611 <br /> <br />Mike Clemens, 229-2443 <br />Bob Barona, 221-2213 <br /> <br />scott Gunde~son, 483-3233 <br /> <br />NORTH, CENTRAL CABLE TV: <br /> <br />R~tural Gas Main. Vnd~r9~o'V-nd Etectric. Undergrquud TeleDhone <br />Services. Ungerg~ound C~le T1V. aDd AP9urtenances. . <br />