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<br />CONTRACTORS are further advised that the bids submitted for this <br />project shall not include any costs or plaim for costs arising , <br />out of involvement with the utility companies, resulting from ( <br />the regular installation of utilities provided for in the Con- " <br />tract, as it is the contention of the city of Roseville that such ,~ <br />expenses or oosts are the respo~sibility of the utility compan~. ~ <br /> <br />CONTRACTORS shall conform to the requirements of MnDOT specifi- l", <br />cations 1507 "UTILITY, Pij,OPERTY & SERVICE" in respect to pro- .. <br />tecting all underground utilities, except as modified previously ( <br />in 'Section 225. O. Further, the CONTRACTOR' shall cooperate with , F <br />the utility companies in all their work and shall"be particularly I <br />cautious in his backfilling operation adjacent to and ~nder \ <br />exposed utilities and services to prevent settlement of same. ' <br />" ~. <br />Pole lines are shown on the p~ans where the proximity of said t:I' <br />pole lines parallel proposed construction closer, than a 20-foot ' , <br />distance. ,\" <br /> <br />{t <br /> <br /> <br />The OWNER will obtain necessary permits for work on all state !i-. <br />Highway and County rights-of-way, and where required will supply j"' <br />neoe~sary certified checks and/or bonds there~or$~ i , . <br />I <br /> <br />The CONTRACTOR shall comply with all necessary and stat~d [~ <br />conditions contained within said permits where granted. Further,~, <br /> <br />It <br /> <br />, <br /> <br /> <br />!I <br /> <br />200-18 <br /> <br />Underground utilities are shown on the plan-profile sheets and <br />these utilities shall be protected within reasonable limits. <br />However, should loca~ion of said utilities be suoh that they <br />cannot be protected within reasonable limits or shoUld such <br />mains require moving because of presently unforeseen circum- <br />stances or require unusually costly means of protection, then <br />such moving or protection shall be done by the owner, of the <br />utility, at no cost to either the CONTRACTOR or the city. , <br /> <br />Where the moving or relocation by ~isconnectinq,' ,reconnecting, <br />or otherwise, of utilities or appurtenances"shall become <br />necessary, the ~tility owner shall move or'relocat~ by dis- <br />connecting, reconnecting or'otherwise, the 'same without cost to <br />the city or the CONTRACTOR. , ' <br /> <br />,In any instance where such ,situation occUrs, other than crossing <br />of utilities or services', the CONTRACTOR and ENGINEER shall <br />confer and then determine further procedure after meeting with <br />representatives of the utility companies. <br /> <br />Following such a conference or meeting of the CONTRACTOR, <br />ENGINEER and representatives of the utility companies, the <br />deoision conoerning the moving or relocation of the utility or <br />appurtenances by disconneoting, reconnecting or otherwise, shall <br />be by the ENGINEER, and such ENGINEER's decision shall be final. <br /> <br />227.0 <br /> <br />CONSTRUCTION ON RAMSEY CO~Y ~D/OR STAT~ OF MI~SOTA RIGHT <br />OF W1\Y <br /> <br />~,' <br />{ <br /> <br />o~ <br /> <br />