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<br />i <br />I <br />\1. <br />fI <br />" <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />J'" <br />:~ <br />'t <br />(, . <br />'I'~ <br />)t <br />\t <br />tt <br />11 <br />~ <br />I <br /> <br />228.0 <br /> <br />229.0 <br /> <br />200-19 <br /> <br />until work on such rights-of-way is completed to the satisfaction <br />of the ENGINEER, and such regulatory agency involved therefore, <br />the proje9t will not be finally. accepted or'final, payment made <br />thereon. . ' <br /> <br />Prior to bidding each contractor should become familiar with the <br />respective standard speoifications that are on file 'at the <br />county and state ENGINEER's office. Failure to do so will not <br />be cause for a CONTRACTOR to claim addi tional, comp'ens~tlon for <br />the work. <br /> <br />f~TECTION Am>/OR RESTORATION OF SURVEy MONUMENTS < <br />, ' <br /> <br />It is the responsibility of the CONTRACTOR to protect and leave <br />undisturbed those markers of monuments set for the subdivision <br />of land, unless these markers must be ',disturbed in order to <br />execute the contract. In this event, the CONTRACTOR will notify <br />the ENGINEER prior ~o such dislocation in order for the ENGINEER <br />to tie in the marker to make possible the relocation after <br />cOJ)struction is completed. If the CONTRACTOR shall be negligent <br />in ,this matter, it shall be his responsibility to restore all <br />monuments to their respectively correct positions at his own <br />expense. ' <br /> <br />< ~r.rElUAIS AND TESTS OF MATERIALS ' <br /> <br />Before any work commences f the CONTRACTOR shall submit copies of <br />tests of all materials to be furnished for this project. The <br />tests shall be paid for by the CONTRAcroR~ signed copies of all <br />reports on tests shall be sent ~t once. to the ENGINEER and the " <br />CONTRACTOR. Tests shall be made' in accordance with A.S.T.M. <br />standards and tentative specifications that apply. Inspection <br />and testing shall in no w~y relieve the coNTRACTOR or s~pp11er <br />from responsibility in furnishing materials and workmcmship in <br />accordance with the plans and specifications. <br /> <br />The CONTRACTOR shall also supply the OWNER with a list of <br />suppliers and subcontractors. The list of subcontractors should <br />be shown in the appropriate space in the proposal. The City <br />reserves the right to reject ~ny subcontractor. The list of <br />suppliers should be submitted ~or approval prior to commencing <br />work. <br /> <br />230.0 TESTS <br /> <br />230.1 If the contract DoclUUents, the ENGINEER!S instructions, laws, <br />ordinances or any public authority requires any Work to be <br />tested specifi-eallY or approved by,another Authority, the , <br />CONTRACTOR shall qive the ENGINEER TIMELY NOTICE OF READINESS <br />THEREFORE. The CONTRACTOR shall furnish the ENGINEER the <br />required certificates of testinq or approval. All such tests <br />will be in accordance with the methods prescribed by the <br />American society for Testing and Materials. The testing of <br />materials called for in'the contract Documents shall be <br /> <br /> <br />, <br />\ <br />\ <br />