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2. Demonstrated experience in coordination of project specifics with multiple <br />entities. <br />3. Demonstrated experience in leading/facilitating public meetings. <br />4. Timely and cost effective experience in planning document preparation. <br />5. Successful experience in meeting project timetables and project budgets. <br />6. References familiar with your firm's demonstrated experience with similar <br />projects. <br />7. Firm qualifications: At least one person with the firm shall be a duly <br />registered Professional Engineer/Architect/Landscape Architect/Planner of <br />the discipline required for the specific portion of service on the Project, <br />licensed under the laws with the State of Minnesota as required for each <br />portion of the required work, have a currentlyvalid Registration / License <br />Number(s), and if needed, be able to sign.,and seal documents. <br />B. Proposed Project Approach (25% of Rating) <br />1. Understanding the opportunities and desired outcomes in conducting a <br />park and recreation system master plan. <br />2. Understanding the needs of the City, businesses; residents and park users <br />as it relates to the use of the Parks and:, e .. creation System and services. <br />3. A statement of the general approach to be taken by the consultant in <br />undertaking this project <br />4. A statement by the consultant regarding how a team approach can be <br />developed and maintained by all parties involved in the project. <br />C. Consultant'sFees and Costs (50% of Rating) <br />1. Demonstrated successful previous budget performance and experience in <br />meeting troiect budizets. <br />2. Description of approach to budgeting and proposing, and how to avoid the <br />"over -budget" experience. <br />3. Presentation of firm's best offer; firm "not to exceed" Consultant figure; <br />hourly rate over and above base proposal for Principal, Planner, <br />technician; and reimbursable expenses, etc. <br />4. Financial information. on ability of Consultant to provide trained and <br />experienced staff to accomplish work in time allotted. <br />5. Comfort level of providing a "best value" approach. <br />IX. Deliverables <br />The consultant is expected to deliver 10 copies of the draft master plan update to the <br />City by January, 2010 for presentation to the City Council. The consultant will then <br />incorporate revisions as directed and represent the final draft of the plan update to the <br />City Council by February, 2010. The document should then be prepared for final <br />submission to the City. Approval from the City Council will serve as the "go-ahead" <br />to prepare the final deliverables. The final deliverables shall include. <br />Page ] 1 of 17 <br />