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<br />SENT BY:NOR'fHSTAR RESTAUR-i\NTS 6- 5-95 <br /> <br />16: 15 ;NORTHSTAR RESTAURANT~ <br /> <br />612 490 2275;# 4/16 <br /> <br />TRIP GENERATION COMPARJSON - METHO>>OWGY AND FINDINGS <br /> <br />David Bms1au Associates, Inc. <br /> <br />Land Vjje .Assumptions <br /> <br />The originaUy planned land uses fur the PUD included a retail riltar~ m"dical oftice building and <br />drivlif-in bank. The revised plan inc:tudcs the retail store (which h~ already been coustructed), iI <br />BoatoR Chicken I"Qliti\ur~nt, and A Tires Plus auto service facility. Since the retail component of <br />111e (IUD has aiready been eompleted, only the remaining two purncls aw ~()mj)ated in this <br />anatysis. 'Ihe drive-in bank (1 Ot 725 SF and 3 drive..tbt1l windows) will be replaced by a 6ost.on <br />Chicken restaurant. The; U03tQn Chicken resUUfant win be an 8V/ilrage size facility witll from <br />JOO to 400 trans<<Ct.ions (food/drink sales) per day. <br /> <br />Methodology <br /> <br />This analysi5 wilt foCtls on 806tan ChiQken as a substitute fm' the banking. fa.cility. <br /> <br />Since ~riday is a peak wl.'Itkday for Boston Chicken atJ well 'as at the Bank, tbe trip c.omparison is <br />maclc for Friday. The; tim~ period 11 am to 7 pm wben both. fue-Hide!: arc open is analyzed here. <br />Tbis period represents typiwny 15 to RO% of most trips generated by these land lIses. <br /> <br />Trip generation estUnat~s fQr the mcdi~~1 Qffice building and the drive~in bank al'e based upon <br />InsUtute of Tranllportation Engineers Trip Generation data. Trip g6neratic)R c:&1imeltC3 for Boston <br />Chicken Wt'rc provided diroe"1)' by North~tar Rostaurants. Traffic CDUnU:l Qfthe B05u.'In Chicken <br />Apple Vaney facility wt:;fC also mftde by Be)1shouf & A:l30ollltes. <br /> <br />Dr.,ve-ifl Balik Tr;/M. <br /> <br />Avemgo daily weekday trip!! arc estimated at 1258 based upon squl'Il'l) footage and 9~5 bflSed <br />upon \he three drive-1.hru lan~:'. To eRSl1l'e 1\ lJ(;>nlJlWVat!ve cornpatillOl1 between land uses. the <br />lower of the two estimatcs is used ber~. An hourly distribution of trips on Friday bl1sed upon <br />pre.vious studios su~s.tcd a peaJ< betwcen 4 pm and 7 plJl. Trips during tho PM pellk Hour are <br />estimated at J 06 (53 in and 53 ouO whH~ trips for tJ\c Peuk Hour of the Bank (Iluumed here to b& <br />12-1 pm) are estimated at 124 (62 in and 62 out). Becausl) ofthrJ drive-in nature ofthc bank, it <br />can be 85sumcd that not ",,11 ofthose trips Are new to th.e study area.. To provide a conservative <br />comparison, a trip reduction factOr of 25% hu bc;en iUliSutDed to account for passby trips. The. <br />R!llUlmcd distribution of trips in and out between 12 noon IU1d 8 pm is shown in TABJ~E 1. <br /> <br />Bn.dnl1. Chicken 7rfpa <br /> <br />Init'al eSlimates vC nomon Cbjcko~ trips W0re ml\de wing ttangactionA by day of week and time <br />of day provided by Bostall Chicken. it h!1~ alRO been noted that a typiC!lt car may CIlfJ)' frQm 2 to <br />4 c\1S1:0nllX'$ during the IlIneh .)erlod (llam M 4 pm). However. for purposes of COURcrva1.iveJ <br />comparison, a maximum auto o~u~~ncy of 1.8 per QClf duril\glunch and 1.3 per ('.u during the <br />aftemoon and evening ha~ been assumed. Roston Chicken a150 noted tbnt npproxhnately 30% uf <br />busi"oss is drive-by traffic- <br /> <br />HQurly inbound snd outbound trips to Boatuu Chickel1 were Initiany ~l'itim.ated l,.I$ing. tl'4nsao.tion6 <br />data. Howowr, on Priday, lo'ehruary 10th. and Saturdu.y. February 11th, tratlic count!:! Of <br />