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<br />10/03/95 16:48 FAX <br /> <br />SEH ST. PAUL <br /> <br />\" <br />. 0 /008 <br /> <br />Mike FaJk <br />Page 2 <br />October 3, 1995 <br /> <br />I I <br /> <br />I : <br /> <br />the Snelling Avenue and County Road B :inteJ:Sec~on. However, we estimate that there would S~ldO! <br />be more than three to four vehic]es queued up waiting to access the drive through at any given time. <br />If drivers see that the queue is longer tban this, they may decide it will be faster to get coffee "to go <br />at one of the other coffee and bakety stOres in the vicinity, such as Perkins, McDonalds, etc: Th <br />may also ~hoosc to go to the other side of the building, where the volume of vehicles Serv <br />expected to be lighrer due to the orientation of traffic during the morning peak homo We expec <br />apprmcimately one thkd of the traffic to Outpost Java will be from westbound traffic on County <br />B, leaving the adjacent neighborhood en route to Snelling Avenue for their morning co <br />Therefore, only 10-15 vehicles per hour we likely to use the drive aMlc: which faCGs north. <br />southbound drive aisle if backed up with several vehicles, it is like1y that drivers entering m <br />westbound County Road B will by-pass the southbound drive through and use the northbound ane <br />instead. <br /> <br /> <br />Three sketches of possible site .arrangements are attached. They are labeled Sketch 1, 2, <br />Sketch 1 changes two rows of existing parking from a 90 degree angle to a 60 degree angle. <br />results in easier entry to the drive through lane from the desired direction, and discourages entry om <br />the opposite direction. Leaving the parking spaces and the drive aisles at a 90 degree angle w uld <br />result in drivers attempting to enter each drive through lane from two directions. Sometime the <br />queue woukl be arranged for a right turn into the drive through lane. At other times the queue uld <br />form such that vehicles would turn left into the drive through lane. Sometimes. drivers m.ay ven <br />fonn a queue from both directions which would be confusing and would block traffic from exiting <br />the other drive through lane. Therefore, Sketch 1 shows the spaces angled to encourage entry [' to. <br />each lane from one direction only. ' <br />, .~ y <br />This arrangement provides staCking for three vehicles in the northbound drive through lane,' and; <br />approximately five vebic1es in the sou.thbound drive through lane. This stacking is expected be; <br />adequate. Approximately 14 parking spaces are lost using this arrangement Depending upo th~ <br />Jcngth of the queue, approximately 5-10 additional spaces may be inaccessible due to being bIo ked' <br />by queued vehicles. This i:s not expected to have a significant impact on the availability of p . g, <br />~specia11y since this portion of the parking area is seldom used during weekdays with the pos 'ble <br />exception of the holida.y shopping season. <br /> <br />Sketch 2 places the building in the middle of a dcive aisle. with drive through lanes next to the <br />building and drive aisles ou.tside the drive through lanes. Stacking for approximately six v . es <br />wou1d be avaiJabJe for the northbound drive through lane. Stacking for approximately four ve . les <br />would be available for the southbound lane, Any additional vehicles could start to interfere ith <br />through traffic on the main drive aisle between Target and the Wave Car Wash, Perkins, etc. so, <br />when the southbound drive through }me is full. drivers turning into the southbound lane which by- <br /> <br />
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