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<br />10/03/95 16:49 FAX <br /> <br />8EH ST. PAUL <br /> <br />. 004/008 <br /> <br />Mike Falk: <br />Page 3 <br />October 3. 1995 <br /> <br />passes the drive through lane will have to swing wide to make the turn due to the tight turning radius. <br />During times when no vehicles are queued in the drive through lane, other vehicles are likely to use <br />it as an aisle instead of using the adjacent by-pass lane. This option results in the loss of 19 spaces <br />and renders another 5 or 6 spaces inaccessible with queues offout vehicles in the northbound <br />through lane. <br /> <br />Sketch 3 shows the Outpost Java building along the west side of the parking lot, with the 've <br />through lanes on either side, and the drive aisle relocated to the north. A raised median is shown <br />separating the drive through lanes from me drive aisle. End islands are also shown at the west ~ndS <br />of the parking rows, adjacent to the drive aisles. This arrangement provides approximately four <br />staCking spaces in the:: southbound drive through lane, and up to six or seven io the northbound drive <br />through lane. Due to the tight turning radius, the right turns into the southbound drive through lane <br />will be somewhat difficult, especially if the driver moves to the right before starting the turn. The <br />striped out median area between the two drive through lane provides some flexibility for drivers who <br />misjudge this movement. <br /> <br />This sketch results in the loss of 23 parking spaces and renders another 3 space~ inaccessible with a <br />stack of four vehicles in the northbound lane. <br /> <br />From a traffic circulation standpoint, sketch 1 has the least chance of negatively impacting the first <br />parlcing lot entrance from the main drive aisJe running along the west side of the parking area. It also <br />has the advantage of not requiring a tight right turn movement from the drive aisle west of the <br />parking lot. Sketches 2 and 3 have less chance of negatively impacting the right in and right out <br />driveway along County Road B. All sketches result in roughly the same total of parking spaces lost <br />or rendered inaccessible during peak stackiug times. <br /> <br />We believe that the three sketches would all work quite well, recognizing the advantages" and <br />clisa.dvantages of each as described above. If the developer proposes a variation to any of these three <br />layoutS, we would be happy to review it. <br /> <br />Please call me (490-2071) or Glen Van Wonner (490-2071) with any questions. <br /> <br />SinceJ:ely, <br /> <br />Cindy Gray, AICP <br />Transportation Planner <br />