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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,July 21, 2014 <br /> Page 4 <br /> 10. Presentations <br /> a. Presentation from Metropolitan Council <br /> Mayor Roe introduced and welcomed Metropolitan Council District 10 Repre- <br /> sentative Marie McCarthy. <br /> Ms. McCarthy thanked City Manager Trudgeon for his openness in working in <br /> partnership with her and the Metropolitan Council. <br /> Ms. McCarthy provided an overview of her representation of twelve communities <br /> in Ramsey and Anoka Counties, herself a resident of Blaine, and the status of her <br /> term on the Council, which ends this year. As part of that overview, Ms. McCar- <br /> thy reviewed some of the Metropolitan Council's issues or items affecting the <br /> City of Roseville now or in the future. <br /> One of the impacts noted by Ms. McCarthy was the Snelling Avenue BRT as part <br /> of the Metropolitan Council's metro-wide transit program, and introduced Metro- <br /> politan Transit Senior Planner Katie Roth to provide an update on that project. <br /> Ms. McCarthy stated that she hoped to serve as a facilitator in the BRT decision- <br /> making process between the Metropolitan Council and Roseville City Council. <br /> Ms. McCarthy noted that this was an important issue to the City of Roseville, and <br /> reiterated her desire to partner with the community. Ms. McCarthy advised that <br /> she had reviewed the City's Imagine Roseville 2025 community document, and <br /> expressed her hope that the Metropolitan Council could help the City execute that <br /> vision. <br /> Ms. McCarthy reviewed some of the more recent grant awards from the Metro- <br /> politan Council to the City of Roseville over the last eight years, including several <br /> for housing projects as well as infrastructure work in the Twin Lakes Redevelop- <br /> ment Area. Ms. McCarthy stated that it was her pleasure to recognize those <br /> awards; and assured Councilmembers and staff that the Metropolitan Council <br /> considered all grants submitted and their applicable awards. <br /> Regarding Infiltration and Inflow (I&I), Ms. McCarthy advised that, with the re- <br /> cent storms experienced in the metropolitan area and specifically in Roseville, the <br /> City would be receiving a letter shortly from the Metropolitan Council addressing <br /> and notifying them, along with other communities, of their exceeding maximum <br /> allowable rates at that time. <br /> In concluding her comments, Ms. McCarthy offered her availability to the City <br /> Council and staff; and her welcoming opportunities to work together. <br /> Katie Roth,AICP, Senior Planner, BRT/Small Starts <br /> (Katie/ <br />