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<br />November 19,1997, Article in Pioneer Press by Linda Owen describing meeting of <br />November 17, 1997. <br /> <br />November 26, 1997. Letter via fax to Steve Sarkozy from Tim Nelson, Everest. Nelson <br />objected to failure to receive timely and adequate notice of November 17th meeting. <br />(Note that this does not say they did not receive notice.) Nelson concludes that Everest <br />is being treated unfairly and misrepresented, but will continue to "respect the process <br />and proceed with its redevelopment plans in normal course". Nelson claimed staff and <br />Council "intentionally misrepresented Everest's development proposal..,". Nelson <br />claimed Everest was excluded from the Nov. 17, 1997 public meeting and was not <br />invited to the public meeting. Nelson stated Everest plans are preliminary and <br />conceptual and do not necessarily include a 7 story building and Everest is not seeking <br />TIF. Nelson also notes that the assistance sought was the city's acquisition of the Vault <br />Company using excess tax increment. (Roseville's general redevelopment policy is to <br />use TIF for such acquisitions and Nelson knew that.) Nelson concludes that Everest <br />cannot trust the city to "play by the rules" and requested a response to this letter in <br />writing and that the city provide Everest written notice one week in advance of any <br />meeting in which the Hamline Avenue site is to be placed on the agenda. Attachments <br />included a summary of 1986 meetings with Dahlgren, mid- 1990's meetings with Craig <br />Waldron, and meetings in September and October, 1997. Nelson mentions that a letter <br />dated November 4, 1997 was not in the Council's packet. (This letter was addressed to <br />Steve S. and consequently was not in the planning file.) <br /> <br />December 3, 1997. Letter from Roger Jensen, City Attorney to Tim Nelson <br />noting the accusation of being "set-up" by city staff is not borne out by the evidence - <br />Everest received the same treatment as others at the meeting and that Everest's <br />proposal did include use of TIF financing. The city did the same thing for Everest's <br />Rosedale Corporate Plaza. <br /> <br />December 11, 1997. Focus News article on Everest in which George Ludeke, Everest <br />Attorney claims "...there was a clear intent to portray us in a poor light...they hoped we <br />wouldn't show up and if we did we'd come in for abuse." One of the neighbors at the <br />meeting said he heard about the meeting from another neighbor, but never received a <br />formal notification from the city. <br /> <br />6 <br />