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<br />4.0 STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS <br /> <br />4.1 Both proposals have merit and could conceivably work on the site but further analysis and <br />clarification regarding specific uses, sizes, costs, revenue, design, etc needs to be reviewed <br />with both development teams. Staff recommends that the Council accept both proposals <br />for further refinement and authorize staff to hire a financial consultant, EideBailly, and <br />an architect, to be determined, to assist in reviewing the proposals. <br /> <br />4.2 Per the RFP Schedule, staff would recommend presenting the refined proposals to the <br />Council for consideration at the July 26 Council meeting, unless otherwise instructed. <br /> <br />5.0 SUGGESTED COUNCIL ACTION: <br /> <br />5.1 Per motion, accept development concepts from the Roseville Charter School and DaVern, <br />Inc for further refinements and evaluation. <br /> <br />5.2 Per motion, authorize staff to hire financial and architectural consultants to assist in <br />analyzing the concepts with more detail and prepare recommendations for presentation <br />to the Council for consideration at the July 26,1999 Council Meeting. <br /> <br />Prepared by: Cathy Bennett & Dennis Welsch <br /> <br />Q: \PJanning FiJes\3076_Lex& B-Park\PP3076-RCA(062999).doc <br /> <br />PF#3076 - RCA (06/29/99) - Page 4 of 4 <br />