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<br />3.2 Site Summary: <br /> <br />The City of Roseville owns an 8 acre site at the southeast comer of Lexington Avenue <br />and County Road "B". The site was formerly occupied by the Lexington Elementary <br />School. The School was removed from the site in the early 1990's. The City of Roseville <br />acquired the property. which is cunently being used as open space and a neighborhood <br />park. It is the city's goal to maintain approximately 6 acres of park and open space on <br />the site leaving approximately 2 acres available for a partnership of private and public <br />development. <br /> <br />The 8 acre site is cunently vacant with the exception of one warming house. Access to <br />the site is currently provided by a driveway on County Road "B". The proposed <br />development could include a driveway on Lexington Avenue. The topography of the <br />site is flat. There are mature trees located on the edges of the site which should be <br />preserved if at all possible. Young trees planted in the past four years may be relocated <br />with a tree spade, There are no wetlands on the site. New development will have to <br />retain surface water on the site and release it at the same rate as predevelopment <br />conditions. <br /> <br />There are existing park uses on the 6 acre park site that the neighborhood would like <br />retained and/or enhanced such as hockey rink. skating area. softball6eld and play area. <br />The private development proposal can incorporate uses that would enhance these <br />existing park features. <br /> <br />Lexington Avenue is a 3 lane county road running along the east side of the site. The <br />traffic count on Lexington Avenue is over 16.000 trips per day. Along the north side of <br />the site is the 3 lane Ramsey County Road "B". which has approximately 14,000 trips <br />per day. (Refer to traffic map - 5). <br /> <br />3.3 Comprehensive Plan Designation <br /> <br />The city's comprehensive plan designates the site for business. high density residential. <br />and neighborhood park. It is possible that a new development plan may include a <br />planned unit development (PUD). Such a PUD could include a mix of public uses. semi- <br />public uses. educational uses. limited retail that complements the park and/or some <br />low-rise housing types including row housing. studio apartments and townhouses. <br />Housing units could be owned or rental. market rate or subsidized. and senior or family <br />housing or any combination thereof. Any housing units proposed should be at a scale <br />that will complement not intrude upon the park uses. <br /> <br />City of Roseville <br /> <br />Page 3 of? <br /> <br />Lexington & B - RFP <br />