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<br />Jano19-99 11 :Z4am <br /> <br />rrom-DTED <br /> <br />ToOT2 P,OI/OI F-183 <br /> <br />january 19, 1999 <br /> <br />\'N!\;1:)Oj <br />..' ~ 'I <br /> <br />-Trade&- <br />JEronomic <br />Devel9JRm~t <br />BllSlnt')S & (eJJlll11lu1i(y <br />DCv~;uP;i1Cllt <br /> <br />Dennis Welsch <br />Community Devdopmem Director <br />G~ uf JRosewnDHe <br />2660 Civic Cl:nter Drive <br />RoseviUe, MN 55113 <br /> <br />~(!J]lb>j~(N ifolr ~@I11lS!Ddlern\rniDIEil alK \rDiJ~ JJ&!IDM~lG' 2SUI CO1/) ('@M!Dll!:i~ Mee'dng~ <br />Cominua.tion of Emergency Stomge to December 31, 1999 for <br />.BlIilder's S14pply, 1920 WesT Cor-3ft!)' Ruud C Roselldle. J.WN 55} J 3 <br /> <br />Dear D~nni5; 1 am s~nding thi.. lenei'" peIi OLAi" phone con\le~~io:n ohod&y ij'"&'e$n:hJI1lg ~be requesu: for a <br />continuation of emergency stoJragt: by Builder's S~lOpl~, 1920 West Counry !Road C, ROse\l1l1e, MN S5 113. <br /> <br />TIle Dc:panmem of Trade & Economic D!:vsolopmem, M&r!i.t;:ting Ik JBusDness ~veloJPmen( DD\lision has been <br />actively seeking an altermnilft: site foi' Byilder's Supply since Oc'lO~r 22, 1998. W..: 'IoIvere otiginall)' contacted <br />b)' John Skowronski of Mi1l1;sx,.Q brok~rage localtl~d in East BTW!swic~, NJ. Mima..'t.'s cu~..tomer was AUied <br />Building Products COi'pOK"ation, 15 E&s'i UIDlion A\lenMe, EM! Rudnertoro, NJ, Bulllder's Suppiies parem <br />com pan}'. <br /> <br />We ~e'iJJt IJQJJf/, $) J&e(jMe$8f()l11ffiilfdJl?!liiM!JOOo6'IJ ~@ R 7 ~nmi~s1 !1J~ if@D~i!1JwS!; <br /> <br />"We have a cus[Om~r looking for about ~ acres oflMd neU Rn1retsUllf 94 or Highway ]0 b;:tween St. Cloud <br />and th~ Twin Cities. Th~'y are a building products busiMSS mat 5lJ1pjphes the cornsmJction industry. Some <br />outside storage is expected. The)' curremUy OJP!:Irn~ iil TOi'onto, Duluth and ROSi~Vm=. <br />Th<<: ideal simation would be a! 50,000 sf I::oncrete bIoc~ bllJilding MdI ~ 12,000 sfpole barn. A small portion <br />may ~ used for retail. (SmOl:Jer mcilities with sp&ce for e)(,pansRon should s~so be presented.) T.heyesrimatq: <br />30 to 60 jobs mostly in warehouse Ik. tnlc&ing. <br />The} are willing to I~ase, buy or build. Incemives m~;y be helpful: TIf, MiMesom llil1f~sument fund, Jobs <br />Skills Partnership and maybe soml: cit} or coumy SlAppOl1. <br />*rhi:J; i$ HOT....Plet:!lse 8l?y l1dJ ft~ fj;t:!lc[t wOTJ/}[; Of1iJjdJV'Wilmi@/iiI (W(2~ ow ~i!TJ) &>y TJ~I? rPfiilrtd ofllhe we'e'k." <br /> <br />Dennis, anything you can do YO c"pediye this reqll~st would be lIeE} h~Jpfu:l. DYED is pursuing eVt:l')' 3'11enUe <br />available 10 mue sure these jobs rem&in in the m~[rO Me&. Thanks &gain for your hC:dp. <br /> <br /> <br />14r1A..Vf/!/f <br /> <br />cc: Mark Lofthus, Director, Mar!..~[ing &. Busin~ss De\ielopmen! <br />Ja,-=k BIckel, finance: DtIker, Allied BUlldiIl!g Products COi'por"d.1iBOn <br />15 East Union AvenLle, Esst Ruthei'tord, NJ 07073 <br /> <br />500 Mdro ~q;uare. 121 7th PLace fasl. ~4.IIl[ Paul MlnElesora 5S101-:d4fi USA <br />li12-L,}7./291 0 lSuO.65i.385l:!. f~ 6L2-2~b'12<)0I2Yt.i-5:!~7. TI'r/IDD 800.627,;sSL9 <br />WWw.dlCa~rare.IIIl1.I.I... <br /> <br />_. ,-,' -,,_.- <br />