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<br />2.4 In conjunction with the application for a conditional use, the following documents (dated <br />01/11/99) have been submitted and reviewed by staff in preparation ofthis report: <br /> <br />. project narrative <br />. existing conditions plan <br />. site plan <br />. building plans <br /> <br />3.0 Staff Comment And Findings <br /> <br />3.1 The applicant proposes a 968 sJ. detached accessory building which requires a conditional <br />use permit (CUP) as per City Code Section 1004.01A.12. <br /> <br />3.2 The project will not create additional traffic nor the need for additional public facilities. <br />With proper exterior building treatment, drainage, and landscaping, the building will not <br />have an impact on surrounding property or values. There appears to be no impact on <br />general health, safety, and public welfare. In addition, the project complies with the <br />Comprehensive Plan designation as low density residential uses. <br /> <br />3.3 Conditions may be attached to the CUP that would mitigate the impact on adjacent <br />properties including such items as increased setbacks from property lines, landscape <br />screening, architectural color and design/materials details, drainage provisions, and <br />limiting additional exterior storage. <br /> <br />3.4 The addition of the 968 sJ. detached accessory building on the site complies with the total <br />allowable coverage of the site requirement (30% or 3,037 s.f.) when including the house <br />(1,164 s.f.) and the expanded driveway (900 s.f.). <br /> <br />3.5 The proposed building (968 s.f.) exceeds the maximum allowed rear yard coverage ofthe <br />40%. On this lot the 40% detached building area is calculated as 75 feet in width x 30 feet <br />in depth (900 s.f.), and therefore must apply for a conditional use permit. <br /> <br />3.6 The proposed detached accessory building meets the side and rear setback requirements <br />of 5 feet. <br /> <br />3.7 The hard surface driveway extension, if not five feet from the property line, must either <br />comply with the 5-foot setback or the applicant must apply for a setback permit. <br /> <br />3.8 All roof drainage created by the new structure must be collected in gutters and channeled <br />to the natural drainage way within the applicant's p/operty. <br /> <br />3.9 The exterior ofthe building must be of a stucco material which matches the existing <br />materials on the house in color and materials, or the exterior materials must be of a <br />maintenance free material which matches the color and trim of the house. The building <br />must be landscaped to screen the size (44 feet in length) and bulk from adjoining <br />properties. A landscape plan will be required as part of the building permit review. <br />