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<br />. 1. <br /> 2. <br /> 3. <br /> 4. <br /> 5, <br /> 6, <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />What are the positive features ofthe existing civic center? <br /> <br />How do existing civic and recreational uses fit with potential new uses? <br /> <br />What are the short and long-term land use issues that need to be resolved? <br /> <br />What are the traffic issues in tenns of site access and road capacity? <br /> <br />What environmental regulations need to be resolved in tenns of stonn water and <br />subsurface water quality and quantity, noise, air quality, etc? <br /> <br />What are the rights and responsibilities of adjoining property owners, City, County, etc? <br /> <br />. What are the specific issues to which changes should be considered (e.g, traffic lights, <br />railway corridor, high tension power lines, location of access points, etc.)? <br /> <br />. Should there be a change in land use zones in or near the civic center, and, if so, why and <br />what other uses? <br /> <br />. What role does the public and private sector play in improving/changes to the civic center? <br />How should Roseville's effort be coordinated with the County? <br /> <br />. What public "experts" are available to help the Task Force? <br /> <br />The Task Force was encouraged to access and utilize the resources ofthe Roseville Community <br />Development Department, Public Works Department and Parks and Recreation Department and <br />other agencies as part of their fact-finding mission. The Task Force was also encouraged to <br />involve other residents of the City for infonnation, subgroups and other work teams as needed. <br /> <br />City Staff Assistance <br /> <br />The staff liaison to the Task Force will be Dennis Welsh, Community Development Director. <br />Bob Bierscheid, Director of Parks and Recreation and Karl Keel, Director of Public Works will <br />also be key resources on the project. The City Council extends its thanks to each member of the <br />Task Force for your willingness to contribute your time and knowledge to the study and report. <br /> <br />Roseville City Center Master Plan and Development Strategy <br /> <br />7 <br /> <br />Draft 11.10,99 <br />