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<br />OCT-13-99 82:84 PM AREA.MECHANIAL.INC. <br />;"0/11,::!-':439 1~;4.-1 6~l-~~2-~1ec-.~ MN AC~ <br /> <br />612 451 8676 <br /> <br />P.83 <br /> <br />PAl:' 132 <br /> <br />CITY OF ROSEVILLE, MINNESOTA <br />ORDINANCE NO. - <br />MANUFACTURED HOME pARi[ CLOSINGS <br /> <br />HCTIOlIi kYYY 01 "IIIUtOQ <br /> <br />In view of tbe peculiar ftature and problema preseftted by the closure or eODverfion of <br />mAftuAetured home parkli, the City Council 8neSt that the publio hetltb. lIfety and lencru welfll'e <br />~il1 be promoted by rwqWn"8 competUarion to displaced home ownm and renters ofsucb parks <br />The purpose oi'thi. ordiDance illO require patte owners to pay dillplaced retidenta reasonable <br />relocation C:OIU and purobuers of manuf8cNtecl hom. park! to pay additional oompensotion, <br />puraant to the Ivthorily aramed under Minnesota, Section 327C.09S. <br /> <br />ucno~ 'IITnr 82.. n.nw1'I"Ift~UJ <br /> <br />The followina wnrd. and temlS wb~B used in this Ordinance IhaII have the (Otlowinj meaNnp <br />WIlc.. the context dearly indiclltel othcrwiae <br /> <br />~I.mIUU 11:A~IIiRNT: A Itltsuent pr~ed by ebe parle owner clearly statinS the park ,. <br />dosins. addretlina the IVBiJability, loeation and potential COlli of adeq'Jlre reptacerDent houling <br />within a twenty-five (2!) mile radius ofebe park that is and the probable relocation cotta <br />M the IDlnuflGtUred home. located In the park. <br /> <br />ft.., ......~R OWNR.' A resident o( an OWIIlI'oOCC.1'Id manufactured home who rentl . Jot IJI a <br />manulac:tURd home park, includins the memben orlb. rtatdent'. bOUlehold. 18 oft.he date tbe <br />park owner IUbmifJ a closure JtBement to the City'. Plannina Commis.ion. <br /> <br />DIIPU"P D.Nft.I". A reaidcnt of a renter-occupied manufKrured home who rents both the lOt <br />and the manufactured home in the manufacNred hOlM pIIk,lnoludina the membera of the <br />rClidllftr'. bousehol~ II oem. due _ p...k own<< IUbrni1. a cloture Ratement '0 tho City's <br />Pla.DniftB Commit lion. <br /> <br />DJlJPIAca>> .,.mftrr: DI.placed own<< or dtsptaced remer. <br /> <br />.LOr: An au witJdo a manuiictured home park. deaigned and used tor the aceomrnodatlon of. <br />manUfM.1Ured home. <br /> <br />MA.'OZl4CTIJUD ROMlt. A Itru~, nor affixed to or pM dteaJ estlt~, tfllllportlbJe in One of <br />more section., which in the travelms mode. is eipt (8) feet or more in wid&h or €orty (40) feet or <br />more in 11!IIIIh. or, whcII. eredtd on .be. i. three hundred twenty (320) or moR Iquare teer.. UJd <br />which i. built Oft I permanent chuai!lllld dCllipcd to be UICd u . dweWns with or withour I <br />permanent foundation when connected to the ~ed utilities. and IncJude. the plumbina. <br />hottlna, Iir conditionins. and electrical l)'Item conuined In it. <br />