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<br />3. . Di~c1lJssioD with Father Sochacki (I!::Oll1hIilWlOO) <br /> <br />.. Discussion of transrtiorW housiIrng and EI.JM <br />JF.S.: ELIM is a non-profit( organizatioIrn. founded by Sue Pmmps. F.S. i~ the treasurer. It started at <br />ELTh/J! Baptist Church, where & model for transitional housing was developed. This..model <br />has been replicated a~ nwny lotations aIround the country. <br />ELIM operates transitional housi1i1lg faciHties (TIIF) at Immaculue COl1.ception and Mercy <br />HospitaJl <br />also cited JTeremiaJll House (behind! BasiHal, 40 writ$, for single women and children under 4 <br />years) operated! by ecum~nicai group <br />Question trom group to F.S.: Would he provide a complete list of the fazilities operated by ELIM. <br />with ~nougR1 information about [ocatiOI!1S and affiliations to allow our group to evaluate <br />their perfomwlce and experieL1ce? No clear affirmative response. <br />F. S. : Services provided to residents at 1'HIF - low rent, counselDg, job training <br />Typical stay: W - 12 months <br />Range of length ofsmy: 6 momhs - 2.5 Y~3l!"S <br />Families may come from shelters \(0 Rive at THF <br />Residents sign oontract with 'I'HF - violation of coI1ltract can result in expulsion <br />Residents are screened before they move to THF <br />The chUlfcJh OWlilS the house - womd! lease ~o tramsitiomli housing provider <br />The church would interview mnd coru;ider ELIM and! oilier transitional housing providers <br />On-site stmff: IrnOll1e provided <br />. staff is on-caJll, avanllabte as needed <br />Negatives of11HJF: residents could have police records <br />some resideKIlts do 1!1lot work out <br />some police cails <br />battering spouses oould pursue residents <br />Age range of crMldrei1l would be oo1!1ltJrOlled - no teenagers would be allowed <br />Government funding for reoonsmnC'tion of die house is available <br />Assurances to group: no sex offe11lders <br />no chemical abusers <br />no mentally m (violent) <br /> <br />Questions-ftom group to F.S.: <br />What would be the parish's respoIrnSibiimes fOIr staffing and counseling at the THF? Parish would <br />sign contract with THF provider (EUM 01' other organization) to operate house and provide <br />services. <br />If the house is ~o be used women who are leaving battered situations and thue is concern about <br />pursuing spouses., as there a problem with the use and location of the facility being open, public <br />.knowledge instead of anonymous? No clear response. <br />Who monitors acttivilties at the THF? F.S. did not know the answer. There would not be staff on-site <br />to monitor activity. <br />Concern about pursuing spouses was apresseCl especially so close to the school playground. F.S. <br />stated that this condition already exim with current residents of the neighborhood <br />What measures willlbe available to the neighborllood ifwe are unhappy with the performance of the <br />THF? The special use permit will go before the Roseville City Council for zoning review <br />annually. Neighborhood, residents may express dissatisfaction at /!hat time. The special use <br />permit will be written to allow only Sjpecific uses for the facility. <br />If anti-discrimination laws limit the abililly of the THF to screen resid~ how can screening protect <br />the facility and t1I1e neighborhood? F.S. did not lcnow a detailed answer for chis question. He did <br />state that screening seems to work effectively at Jeremiah House. Jeremiah House is not located <br />in a residential neighborhood. <br />