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<br />(j The students will be required to work with their family on a cOffiillW1ity <br />service project, promoting responsibility to the environment, their <br />cOffiillW1ity and the world aroW1d them. <br /> <br />@ Multi-media exposure, including innovative computer technology and <br />exposure to the fIne arts. <br /> <br />III. Encourage the Use of different and innovative teaching methods: <br /> <br />Inter-disciplinary academic initiative. <br />Our intent is to further explore and develop academic programs which allow <br />students to experience learning, and staff to present lessons, using multiple disciplines in J <br />cooperative fashion. <br /> <br />iI Individually paced style of learning in a multi-age school setting, allO\\'ing <br />each student to develop at his/her O\vn pace. <br /> <br />. Provide a strong curriculum format geared to the student's age and <br />development, inducting a variety of experiences related to creative arts, drama, <br />music, science, foreign language, math, literature and recreational activities, <br />both passive and active. <br /> <br />. A knowledgeable, skilled and caring staff will stress the need for creativity, <br />individualism and group participation. <br /> <br />. Students will have daily learning lab periods to provide one-to-one tutoring, <br />develop organization and studying skills, regardless of academic ability. <br /> <br />IV. Require the measurement of learning outcomes and create different and innovati\'C <br /> <br />forms of measuring outcomes: <br /> <br />. Measurement of the student's assessment, based on pre-enrollment testing <br />and annual testing, in accordance with the Iowa Basic Test (grades 1 through <br />4) and California Achievement Test (grades 5 through 8), to assure that e~lCh <br />student meets his/her individual milestone. <br /> <br />Family Academy Proposal - Page 5 <br />February 29, 2000 <br />