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<br />be officially hired for the Fall 2000 school year and a election will be held to elect the <br />permanent board of directors. A proqisional board may be in place beforehand to <br />ensure timely start-up of the school and initial recruitment efforts. <br /> <br />B. Describe the proposed composition of the Board of Directors. <br /> <br />The board will have three (3) administrative team leaders, five (5) teachers (one of <br />which will be the curriculum specialist), and two (2) parents (whose children will be <br />students at Family Academy) and a pediatrician. All members of the governance <br />team will play an active role throughout the planning of Family Acad'emy, including <br />the development of the charter, planning of the curriculum and recruitment efforts. <br /> <br />The Board of directors and its operation will comply with Minn. Stat. ~ 120.064 <br />Subd. 4, section 471. 705. <br /> <br />C. Describe the school administration and management responsibilities in at <br />least the following areas: <br /> <br />Family Academy's governance division aims to make effective decisions, implement <br />successful policies and maintain strict accountability of its staff and students to <br />ensure success and operation of its charter school. The staff of the school will <br />uphold the general policies adopted by the Board of directors and comply with <br />statutory reqUIrements. <br /> <br />Family Academy's administration will be a team effort consisting of a Dean of <br />Students & Families, AdministrativejHuman Resource Director, Finance Specialist, <br />a curriculum component specialist and three (3) Unit Lead~rs to oversee the <br />teaching staff. The Unit Leaders will be divided into three sectors: K - 2nd, 3rd - 5th, <br />and 6th - 8th grades. A special education instructor and assistant will be contracted by <br />the local ISD #916. Two paraprofessionals will also be on staff to assist the <br />teaching staff. <br /> <br />The Dean of Students & Families will monitor the educational program, assist in <br />preparation of the curriculum and attend to the specific needs of the students. The <br />AdministrativejHuman Resource Director will oversee the daily operations, <br />including staffing, annual reporting, maintain the facilities and assure compliance <br /> <br />Family Academy Proposal - Page S <br />February 29, 2000 <br />