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<br /> <br />. II <br />REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION <br /> <br />MEETIr.G <br />DAlE <br /> <br />11-10-80 <br /> <br />AGENDA SEClION: rORIGINAIING DEPI.! DIV.: <br />Public Hearings I Administration <br /> <br />IrEM NO.: ITEM DESCRIPTION" Even son Properties reques t for speci a 1 uses, <br />8... / variances and division of lot at 1540 County Road 13-2 <br /> <br />DEPT~D APPROVAL. <br /> <br /> <br />MGR. REVIEwED! RECOMMENDS: <br /> <br />~.i'--. <br />,.\ <br /> <br />The P1anning Commission at its November 5, regular meeting unanimously~ecommended <br />approval of the Evenson Properties request for: <br /> <br />'t f roval of on-s~te plan in B-1-8 <br />1. Approval of special use perml orlapp <br />2. Subdivision of land into two parce s <br />3. Planned Unit Development <br />4. Variance to buil ding height <br />5. Variance to off street parking size <br />6. Variance to parking location , 400 f t <br />7. Special use permit for live entertalnment with restaurant less than ee <br />from highway right-of-way k' <br />8, Variance to 100 foot setback of buildings to shoreline and 50 feet for par lng <br />to shoreline ,. 1 t <br />9. Condit i ana 1 use permit for plan approval 1 n shore 11 ne deve opmen. a rea <br />.Q;.;.., "'~";"""'~rrhe"P1a'nhing' Co'niinission also recolTi11ended that the following conditions be <br />attached to the approval: <br /> <br />1. The City approve the final landscaping plan once the site has been <br />developed. <br />2. The City review and approve the lighting plan. <br />3. The City review and approve the final drainage plan for the site. <br /> <br />~1r. Evenson proposes to construct,at this site, a four story office buiJding and <br />ter. story ho~~1 complex. The first phase of the development would be the office <br />building and the second phase would be the hotel, provided that a tenant can he <br />found. <br /> <br />Enclosed is a booklet containin~ certain specifics, site data, square footage, <br />parking allocations, site coveraqe and other information concerning the variances <br />and special conditions of this request. In addition, a division of the parcel <br />into two parcels as b~ing requested primarily for financinq purposes. A cross <br />easement has been provided for SJ that the far southerly parcel does not become <br />landlocked. Currently the City Attorney is reviewing these easements and will <br />have corrrnent ready for the Cvu!1cil hearing. <br /> <br />Attached is the Pl~nnerJs report and letter from Mr. George Rafferty of Rafferty, <br />Rafferty, Kotowski and Associates, who are the architects for this project, 'dhich <br />describe the development. <br />