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ROSEVII.LE RESIDENT SURVEY <br />QUESTIONNAIRE DFSIGN <br />Tim Pratt, Communications Specialist at the City of Roseville, was responsible for <br />questionnaire design. The questionnaire was developed in consultation with and using <br />consensus approval of the Residential Solid Waste and Recycling Citizen Advisory <br />Committe�. Christine Butterfield, Roseville Assistant City Manager, and Rossana <br />Armson, MCSR, both provided feedback and suggestions. <br />Questions were asked regarding the services the city provides for recycling and garbage <br />collection. In addition, residents were asked questions about the disposal of household <br />hazardous waste, the disposal of appliances and other electronic items, and the disposal of <br />yard waste, leaves and brush. There were two versions of the survey: one for single- <br />family residents and one for multi-family residents. The multi-family survey omitted <br />questions abaut recycling services provided by the City of Roseville and ahout the disposal <br />of yard waste, leaves and brush, that were not relevant for multi-family households. <br />SAMPLING DESIGN <br />Carolyn Curti, Communications Specialist at the City of Roseville, was responsible for the <br />sampling design. The GIS Specialist and the Technology Manager within the City of <br />Roseville provided necessary information. A total of 800 dwelling units were selected for <br />the sample, 585 {73 %) from single-family dwellings (those with 8 or fewer units) and 215 <br />(27%) from multi-family dwellings (those with 9 or more units). Of the single-family <br />dwellings, 88 % were residences that were homesteaded and 12 % were not homesteaded. <br />The single-family dwelling sample was chosen by City-wide random sampling. The multi- <br />family dwelling sample design was a random sampling within each of the City's fourteen <br />development districts that have multi-family dwellings, based on populaiion size. <br />DATA COLLECTION PROCEDURFS <br />The procedures usetl by MCSR for this mail survey were based on Mail and Telephone <br />Survevs, by Don A. Dillman. Mailing and data collection for the Roseville Resident <br />Survey were conducted from January 2 to February 12, 2002. <br />Mailin� Procedures <br />The first mailing was sent on January 2, 2002 and included the following: (i) a cover <br />letter from John Kysylyczyn, Mayor of the City of Roseville, inviting participation in the <br />survey, (2) a survey instrument, and (3) a self-addressed, sta.mped return envelope to <br />return the survey to MCSR. <br />The second mailing consisted of a reminder postcard, which was sent on January 9, 2002. <br />The postcard thanked individuals if they had alrea.dy filled out the questionnaire, and asked <br />them to take time to complete the survey if they had not already done so. <br />MINNESOTA CENTER FOR SiJRVEY RESEARCH PAGE 2 <br />