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� J <br />MEMORANDUM <br />RE: Margolis Request <br />�J <br />20 January 1984 <br />Page 3 <br />that due to the screening existing and proposed that this will not be <br />visible From the south or �he east. <br />4. TY?e planting contiguous to the east fence line shall be installed as <br />indicated on the Proposed Site Usage P.lan to include the installation <br />of the originally proposed ivy from Point "A" inda.cated on the plan <br />to Point "B". This planting is to be completed �� � July 19�34 as <br />a final deadline, though Mr. Margolis indicates they will do it <br />earlier in the spring, as soon as it is practical. <br />5. The topsoil s�torage area will remain where it is, but shall be limited <br />to 2,000 cubic yards with the provision that no �dditional topsoil be <br />brought in during the 1984 season. More important, the hours of <br />op�ration of the total facility will be limited to 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 <br />p.m.. on weekdays and 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Saturdays. It is <br />further stipulated that no loading or unloading of topsoil shall <br />occur prior ta 7:30 a.m. With respect to the hours of operation, <br />Mr. Margolis noted that occassionally (not more than a ha.lf dozen <br />times) a delivery truck may arrive after the 6:00 closing hour from <br />an external source and in these instances there may be unlaading of <br />material after 6:00 p.m. This proviso, hQwever, is not to extend <br />the normal staf.f working �ours at the site past 6:00 p.m. in the <br />evening, nor before 7:Ob a.m. in the morning. Hopefully, this <br />stipuJ.ation as to working hours wili alleviate the noise pr�bl.em at <br />th�e north�aest corner of the site. <br />6. The telephone signal system will be moved from its presen� location <br />to the new storage �acility. It should be further stipulated that <br />this "buzzer" shall be tuned so as to not be readily au�lible from <br />the residential property to the northeast. <br />7. �he chain link f.ence across the southeast corner of the site shall <br />be complet�d as originally proposed. This f�nce wi.11 not pertarm <br />a particular screening function, but should add tA the security o£ <br />+�Ze site from this di.rection. We were ariginally concern�d abnut <br />putting a chain link fence in the drainage area, b�ut David Drown <br />informs us that this drainage area is not a"flowage" and thus the <br />existznce of the fence would not impair the drainage func�ion. <br />Hogefully, the agreed upon changes in condition as illustrated on the <br />Proposed Site Usage Pl��n and conf irmed by Ux� agree�nent statEment submitt�d will <br />solvc the principal problems relating to tlie proposed use �£ this site. Any <br />action ap�roving the applic�tion should be done on the conditions tlzat the <br />a�velopment �ccur exactly i.n conformance with the proposed plan a� revis�d <br />16 ,7anuary 1984, and in accordance with the statement submitt�d by Mro <br />Margolis dated 18 January I.989. The completion o£ a11 changes should be <br />acGOmplished by 1 July 1984. The us�g�, of course, is not ideally compatible <br />with contiguous residential ��ev�lopment. Considering the use as an intera.m <br />use, however, it should be far more reasonable under the conditions propased <br />if two things occur. One is t��,at the improvements as proposed are <br />