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PF3000 - PF3801
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10/29/2007 9:53:20 AM
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12/9/2004 7:01:50 AM
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Date Final City Council Action
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<br />3.4 The structure at 699 Heinel Circle is a rambler that was constructed in 1957. The house has a <br />full basement walkout and is comprised of approximately 1,958 square feet of main floor living <br />area. The attached garage is located on the northeast side of the principal structure. A patio, <br />deck and hot tub lie to the north west of the garage and are terraced towards the lake. The <br />parcel if relatively flat from the street curb to the house, then slopes approximately 10 feet from <br />the southwest corner of the house to the lakeshore. The parcel is 160 feet wide at the lakeshore <br />and 140 feet at the street right-of-way. <br /> <br />3.5 The Vesterholt request was forwarded to the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) for <br />review and comment. The DNR has indicated support for the variance for the garage <br />addition and for the pre-existing non-conforming principal structure setback. Their letter <br />to the City regarding the proposal is attached and requests that trees be planted between Lake <br />Owasso and the home to further screen the structure view from the lake. <br /> <br />4.0 POLICY & FISCAL IMPLICATION <br /> <br />4.1 The Comprehensive Plan and the Roseville Housing Improvement Plan encourage maintaining <br />and improving residential properties and infrastructure, as well as reconstruction and rebuilding <br />of residential structures (and neighborhoods) throughout the community. <br /> <br />4.2 There are no additional fiscal implications. <br /> <br />5.0 STAFF DETERMINED FINDINGS <br /> <br />5.1 Staff has reviewed the merits of the four variances necessary to allow Mr. Vesterholt to <br />proceed with his proposed garage addition plans. Staff offers the following findings: <br /> <br />a. Mr. Vesterholt did not create the hardship. The lot division occurred and the structure <br />was constructed and improved many years before the V esterholt' s purchased the <br />property. City records indicate the existing structure was constructed in 1957 with <br />municipal sewer and water being installed in 1964. The Roseville City Code was <br />adopted in 1959 and the Shoreland Ordinance adopted in 1974. <br /> <br />b. Like many home build prior to the Shoreland Ordinance being adopted, the Vesterholt <br />structure does not comply with the established 75-foot setback from the Ordinary High <br />Watermark. Requiring a setback of 75 feet from the OHW would be unworkable and <br />require removal of existing living area. <br /> <br />c. The new construction (garage addition) can be justified as added livability, accessibility <br />and by providing necessary space for maneuvering vehicles and provision of accessible <br />storage for Ms. Vesterholt who has a disability. <br /> <br />d. The addition, though within the required ten-foot side yard setback, is consistent at five <br />feet with the other lots within the cul-de-sac and neighborhood. However, according to <br />City records, the Vesterholt lot and the adjacent property at 705 Heinel Circle are <br />considered ten-foot side yard setback parcels. <br /> <br />PF3280 - RCA (012201) Page 3 of 5 <br />
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