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(garage) in the rear yard that exceeds the 30% maximum impervious <br />1 <br />coverage allowed on the property at 1740 Galtier Street. <br />2 <br />3 <br />4 Chair Bakeman opened the hearing and requested staff to provide a verbal summary of <br />5 the project report dated August 3, 2005. <br />6 <br />7 City Planner Thomas Paschke indicated that Paul Deborde has submitted a proposal to <br />8 replace his existing 14 foot by 32 foot (448 sq. ft.) detached accessory structure (single <br />9 stall garage) with a larger 24 foot by 36 foot (864 sq. ft.) detached accessory structure in <br />10 a similar location. Based on the submitted site plan, the City Planner has determined that <br />11 the principal structure (house) is estimated at 1,292 sq. ft., the existing driveway and <br />12 paved surface is approximately 1,563 sq. ft., and the existing detached accessory structure <br />13 is 448 sq. ft. for a current total coverage of 3,303 sq. ft. <br />14 <br />15 The proposal to replace the existing 448 sq. ft. detached accessory structure with an 864 <br />16 sq. ft. detached structure increases the total impervious coverage on the parcel by 416 sq. <br />17 ft. - from an existing 3,303 sq. ft. to a proposed 3,719 sq. ft., which is 704 sq. ft. more <br />18 than allowed by Code. <br />19 <br />LOT CODE EXISTING PROPOSED VARIANCE <br />SIZE ALLOWANCE CONDITION CONDITION <br /> <br />10,005 3,015 sq. ft. (30%) 3,303 sq. ft. (33%) 3,719 sq. ft. 704 sq. ft. <br />sq. ft. (37.2%) (7%) <br /> <br />20 <br />21 <br /> <br />22 The staff recommends approval of a 704 sq. ft. Variance to Section 1004.01A6of the <br />23 Roseville City Code to allow the construction of a 864 sq. ft. detached accessory structure <br />24 at 1740 Galtier Street, based on the findings in Section 5 and the following conditions: <br />25 <br />26 a) The detached accessory structure must not exceed a size of 864 sq. ft. <br />27 <br />28 b) The detached accessory structure must be set back a minimum of 5 feet <br />29 from the south property line and 6 feet from the principal structure. <br />30 <br />31 c) Impervious coverage on the parcel must not exceed 3,720 sq. ft. or 37.2%. <br />32 <br />33 d) The existing garage and the shed located behind the existing detached <br />34 accessory structure (garage) must be removed from the site. <br />35 <br />36 e) A scaled and dimensioned site plan indicating all existing conditions and <br />37 the proposed improvement and which meets the stated conditions of <br />38 approval, must be submitted with the building permit application. The <br />39 south property line must be staked prior to issuance of a building permit. <br />40 <br />Page 6 of 10 <br /> <br />