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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, October 6,2014 <br /> Page 11 <br /> Councilmember Willmus suggested the application and interview process should <br /> be structured similar to that of advisory commissions, but that Ms. Barsel be in- <br /> vited to be part of the interview process. <br /> Mayor Roe expressed his concern, with that scenario, that the task force and ef- <br /> forts would come under the realm of the City Council and create more hassles <br /> than necessary. <br /> Councilmember McGehee expressed her interest in a steering committee with Ms. <br /> Barsel reviewing applicants and putting together a task force which would subse- <br /> quently report back to the City Council, without any heavy City involvement at <br /> this initial step. <br /> Ms. Barsel noted her list of things she would ask the City to assist with immedi- <br /> ately(Attachment A), in addition to other items noted on bench handouts. <br /> City Manager Trudgeon asked that Ms. Barsel and the task force manage their ex- <br /> pectations and communicate early on to limit the amount of staff resources for <br /> timely focus versus the potential for daily requests for additional materials or re- <br /> sources. Mr. Trudgeon opined that the Volunteer Coordinator's involvement <br /> would be key in this process as well. <br /> Mayor Roe concurred, asking that communications be streamlined through the <br /> designated staff liaison as determined by City Manager Trudgeon. <br /> Regarding a projected timeframe, Ms. Barsel stated that she hoped to get things <br /> prepared by the end of October, with the applications processed early in Novem- <br /> ber, and a first organizational meeting scheduled in December, allowing the entire <br /> task force to be ready to begin work in January of 2015. <br /> The consensus of the council was that this timeline seemed feasible. <br /> Councilmember McGehee expressed her agreement with Councilmember Ettten's <br /> comments regarding limiting the size of the task force. <br /> Ms. Barsel advised that her intent was to put together a steering committee of 3-5 <br /> people. <br /> City Manager Trudgeon asked that Ms. Barsel forward information to his atten- <br /> tion and he would forward it to applicable City staff. <br /> Specific to recording minutes of meetings, Councilmember Etten questioned City <br /> Manager Trudgeon on whether staff would be expected to provide those services. <br />