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<br />~ <br /> <br />P.01 <br /> <br />t1:. W___ "ff,,f1 ~/j/ <br /> <br />~ft1,.. z,?- 7r . --'. <br /> <br />",,,,. ;,NG. o"L "'",,,"". <br />ANO ASSOCIA rES. 'LNCOAF'ORA HO <br /> <br />TKDl1. <br /> <br />_..........,........... ...................--......................n_. . ~.. ~ ,,'...~.~ __.. ~........"....._....' _ ~ , <br /> <br />ENGINEERS ARCHiTECTS PlANNERS <br /> <br />2600 AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK eUlU'lING <br />~AlNf PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 ,1893 <br />G 12/292 .4400 <br />FAX $12/292-0093 <br /> <br />H.:M}RANWM <br /> <br />TOI <br /> <br />~..QOD ~r~ks.e~ <br /> <br />Ref erence t-1:/.Qrlh.\'J~~.t~r.ILQ;jU!'g$ <br />---C.Q~tj!r..1.J.j!~,~- <br /> <br />Copl as To: <br /> <br />Was He.n.dr I cks..o.o. <br /> <br />~I hCJ yJ~-1ie.flLt!j"..J,.J.f!L.glli! F I trlass ~ <br /> <br />F reo:. <br /> <br />~ 191} Qri:\y <br /> <br />Date. <br /> <br />Decs{l'lber 6. 1.986 <br /> <br />COmmission No. <br /> <br />---...... <br /> <br />The following Is a summary of a meetll1g held at tho Rosevllle CIty off I es on <br />12/7/88 Involving Howtlrd Ollhlgran, Rick Jopke and Carl Keel of the Cl1y of <br />Rosevll Ie and Rich Gr~y of TKOA; <br /> <br />3. <br /> <br />1. AlthQugh the currently proposed Health, life and Fitness Centerts <br />distance from little Johanna lake as shown on a Site Drawing dated <br />8/11/88 I s no I ess than the closest corner (sw hnrnl 09 pool expansion arca) <br />of the previously proposed FltllGSS Center, a greater proportion of the <br />currently proposed building Is thl.ttminlmum dimension trexn thfa',ake. <br />tQard Dahlgren suggested we Increase that dimension. The residents <br />across L Ittl e Johnnna Lake had prey tousl y had a concern w I the <br />building's proximity to the lake and would most likely raIse this ncern <br />aga I n. <br /> <br />2. The shoreline setback requirement for Residential Is 75f, for Commercial <br />f 5 tOO' and for I ndustr I al f 5 150 t. Northwestern Goll ege I s zoned <br />Residential, however. the scale of this project would more closely <br />resemble commercial or ,Industrial development. Although thl~ s~clflc <br />sl tuatlon may not be outlined under t~e zonl ng code, HO'iIerd oah~' gren <br />woul d e ncour age the Co I '$ge to strive for the larger setbelck to esse" <br />the v Isua I Impact the bu II dl n9 woul d have On the resl dents tlcr oss L I ttl e <br />Jottantta lake. I <br />i <br />The reduced scale of the buIlding In r61~tlon to what had prevlousl <br />proposed was consl dereda posttfve step In reducl ng concerns <br />residents across lIttle Johann~ lake had regarding the size 0 <br />previously proposed buildIng. <br /> <br />been <br />that <br />the <br /> <br />4. If possIble, more parking <x>nvenlent to the proposad facl I ity wou d be <br />recommonded. In thi~ regard, ha.1 will parking tor large crowds n the <br />9y-mnaslum space be handled? The tire marshal wll,l have a concern... I.e. <br />mek I ng sure that the dr'ves remtJl n unci ogged by parked to ensure. <br />emergency veh iel e access~ Normally 1 park I ng s.l~ce Is requl red for every <br />:5 seats for a gymnasl um sr:aC9. <br />