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<br />P.02 <br /> <br />Mem~Dr. Don ErIcksen <br />DAcember 8,1966 <br />Page 2 <br /> <br />5. Th0 CoII~~ should subml-l' 1ha fc).llowlng 1'0 i'he Cl'ly 'ror revitJ','l: <br /> <br />A, HE)~11'h, LIfE! ond Fltnes!:; Ce:mh:tr sl'te pi lllh <br />"- <br /> <br />B. Hev Isod Campus Master PI Eln to Inel udQ 'ilIa 11001 'II!, Life ~nd Fitness <br />Center ~s currently pro(:'Oscd (speclf ICe'llly, thot porllon of campus <br />with III the CI ty of Rosev 111 (: c:orporMo 1 itn i t5) . , <br /> <br />c. The facllltyts audience capf.lcity as curnHrl'ly pr(jpo~r.!rJ compar~d to <br />what Wf1S prev iously proposed. '! <br /> <br />D. The total number of parhlng spaces propos{r!d on 'Ihn Re\' ised CafllPUS <br />Master PI an. as compared to tho 'total nUmb0r proru:,;',:d on the prey lOlls <br />Mastor Plan. (The nllmbor of spaces should not bt! reclucod.i If <br />I <br />any1'h lng, an I ncrease In parl<1 ng nunbers 110111 d be favor-abl Q). <br /> <br />E. The building scale and tho type of matorlEds lJelng prQPosed or,11"he <br />exter lor. <br /> <br />6. <br /> <br />'IK()A will prepare the abovo Items as part 0(- -the Crunpl1s ~.IAster PIli!) <br />Rev 1~lon work soope currentl y unden'iCIY. <br /> <br />Carl Keol advised us that the Ci'ty Of Hosevlllu Is IIPU"fI(Jing L.ytll~ vonua <br />next year. There has been some discussion to provldQ i1 \'!'3S1' bound, righi' <br />turn laho 1'0 "the new campus ontronce drIve -to facllltato wast bound <br />through traff Ie on, Lydl'a Avenue. Al so, tho Ci-'y h'3ll~es tho logical <br />tlOla to close the entr~ncc to the Colloge lint! convert ii- to !!I <br />pades1TI~l/blcycle entrence as ShO\HI on the f.ropo~')d Car1ipus Ma!;'I'er Plan <br />WOUld bo during Lydia Avenue reconstrllction n(!xt yea,'. <br /> <br />G <br /> <br />ro : dl1 <br /> <br />I <br /> <br /> <br />, <br /> <br />.... I "'_ . <br /> <br />~ ' <br />