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<br />207.020 <br /> <br />PUELIC NDISANCES <br /> <br />G. Participation ir Noisy Parties or Gatherings. <br />No person shall participate in any Dc.rt;; or cth(;r cd'[:-:eri::c: <br />of people giving rise to noise, disfurb{ng the peac~, ~ ~et: <br />cr repose of aI10ther person. h'hen a Pol ice Off ice:: <br />mines that. a gathering is creating such a noise disturb~nce, <br />the officer may order all persons present, other 't.han the <br /> or tenant of the pre!!lis€s the disturbance is <br />occurring, to disperse immediately. No ~er5on shall ref~se <br />to leave after being ordered by a Police Officer to do so. <br /> <br />Every owner or tenant of such premises whO has knowledge of <br />the disturbance shall make every reasonable effort to see <br />that the disturbance is stopped. <br /> <br />H. LDu(speakers, Amplifiers for Advertisi~;. etc. <br />No person shall operate or pelT.1i t the use cr operation of <br />any loudspeaker, sound amplifier, or other device for ~~e <br />production or reproduction of sound on a street or other <br />public place for the purpose of com~ercial adve~tis~ng, or <br />attractinq the attention of the p.ubl ic to any c011":J!1ercial <br />establishment. <br /> <br />1. Animals. <br />The provisions of C~apter 1~5 shall go~ern unreasonable <br />noises creat~d by animals. <br /> <br />J. Schools, Churches, etc. <br />No person shall cre;,te any excessive !"!Olse on a street, <br />alley, or public grounds adjacent to any school, institution <br />of learning, or church when the noise unr-easonably inter- <br />feres with the working af the institution, or disturhs or <br />unduly annoys its QCCUp3nts or resi~~nts. <br /> <br />K. <br /> <br />Air Conditioning Lnits. <br />No person si1all p~. ce, <br />conditioning unit In s~;.:h <br />disturb the p~ace, q~iet <br />adjacent pr0perties. <br /> <br />;nl1inta~n, or operate an cir <br />a Danner so 33 to unreasonably <br />and confcrt of per;ons uSlng <br /> <br />207.0:0. HouY1.Y..Hestrictions c'f CeL!Q..i!l_S'-1'E:.r..E.t:io:l~ <br />~. Kecrea~lonal Veh;~Les. <br />No pCl~~ons ~l1allr bet:~'.:l'n the hours at :;'0:00 p.J:1, ,,;',d 7:00 <br />awn., drlvc or or'rat.e any minibike or at.her recr-caticn.1~ <br />....ehi'-le not licc'.1sea L-,r t:::.:n'C'l on public hic:h,>,ays. <br /> <br />B, DOJ:1cstic Pa~er Equip~ent, <br />No persC":) ;:!~..ll opel'ate a po,>,cr 1 dl-;'n ~Q...'er, pO'ver hedge <br />clipper, chain saw, mulcher, garden tiller, edger, drill, or <br />other s imi lar do;;;(~stic POv.:8 r r.:ainter:i1!1ce ';:>qu ipment, except <br />be_ween the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.M. an any week- <br />day. O~ ~etween the hours of 9:00 a,m. and 9:20 p.~. on any <br />!"""ccK2nd O~' leLpl i1uliJ.1Y. SnQw r..';cov.~l cquipn:cnt 1S exempt <br />from this provision. <br /> <br />261 <br />