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<br />Implementation of Design Standards Changes <br /> <br />Page 25 <br /> <br /> <br />OE[~IC..4. TION OF RIGHTS-OF -WI\ Y At'-.JO f.ASEr.1ENTS <br /> <br />Back in 1979, the c;uestiQ!1 of policies re!'3tin; to the crit~:-ia for requiri~g <br />dedication of rights-.)f ,way and ease:T!ents W3S e'(Clbljshed by the adoption of <br />Resolution Number 6821, 'J copy o~ which is attached and labeled A;:,)endix 7. <br />The 2doption of this resolution was recommended by the Public Works Oir...ctor <br />at that time, Charles Honchel!. Also attached is a copy of a memo <br />(Appendix 3) from Mr. Har.chell to the City Manager dated AJ:ril 11, 1979. <br />The resolution was adopted 1-..1ay 21, 1979. <br /> <br />Review of these standards and criieria w;~h the Enyineed:1g and Building <br />Departments suggests that the policy as it exists is appropriate. You will <br />note SQm~ difference between the resolution and the memo thCit recommended <br />it. One of these is very important. You wm note that if] the list of <br />criteria adopl~d in the resoiution that number 7 which states: "building permits <br />on aJl parcels from which no right-of-way 01' easement as ever been provided <br />if such rights-of-way or easements are necessary to comply with City or <br />County roadways or utility standards", This pr;Jvis!on differs f:'om :lumber 9 <br />in the memo which &.pparently dejc"es the dedication requirement even though <br />shown on the County's Master Plan 'f it is "fol' work .....hich is currently not <br />scheduled to take pla~e". <br /> <br />Point number 7 in the resulution makes no distinction for work not currently <br />scheduled. One may ask whether or not dedication should be requi:ed if a <br />PUD is filed, processed, and approved, A PUD requ:res a Special Use Permit <br />and is thus covered in item number 5 of the resoluticn, which inchwes all <br />Special Use Permjts. <br /> <br />One other action not listed i~ that of a rl.zoning. In 'TIost cases, a rezDniog <br />will not occur ur, a building perm:;. i~ required, However,:n some cases a <br />rezoning may take p12ce far ,jf1 existing structure, and a buildir.g permit may <br />!\Ot involve an expansion and in fact moa}' in~olv~ no bUilding permit at all, <br />Would it not seem appropriate to requ,r~ dedication if a rezoning i:> approved, <br />which obviously would reflect a chnge in land use direction i./S de",jgnat~d by <br />the Comprehensive Pian andior the Loning Ordinance. <br /> <br />Tl1us, we suggest that consideration be lji\'en to addin'J cHi eleventh criter.a, <br />that of a rezoning action, <br />