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<br />207.030 <br /> <br />?t~EL:C t;UIS~-",'-;CES <br /> <br />C. RefGse Handling. <br />No p;:rsQn shall cc..:. ~e'=:: ...:-~ re!:":c....-? 03!--b3Qc \.,'./- r..::!'~:::-,c :1 )ny <br />residential di:=:.tric't. c'::~..:p".:.. tet~'eell the ~ours ,-.&- 7;0 a...~. <br />and 10:00 p.m. on any ~eekday. or between th~ hours c 9:00 <br />a.m. and 9~OO p.m. on any ~ceke~d or leaaJ holiday_ <br /> <br />D. Construction hctivities. <br />No person shall en(pge in or pern: t construct ion ,Jct.i';i ti-=s <br />involving th8 use of any kind of <::lectr~'~. diL'~;e2., Qr gas <br />pe\OerE:>d nachine or ether equip!~ent except bet"e,_,n the <br />hours of 7:00 a.m. ~nd 10:00 p.m. C~ any weekday, or bct~een <br />the hours of 9:JO a.m. and 9:00 p.m. '.m any ~ee}:2nd or leg~l <br />holiday. <br /> <br />E. Sno~~~biles. <br />Snow~obiles shell be cperat'..:d only a-,-- ti:-:cs ._1.11:;:,;cd by Section <br />90.03C of the City Cude. <br /> <br />207.030. [Gtcrcp.~ent. <br />A. Civil Remedies. <br />This ordinance may be eDforce~ by injt::-:ction, Clction fQr <br />abaterncnt, or other apprap~iatc civJ.l 10~edy. <br /> <br />B. Noise I~pact Statemeot~. <br />The Council may rE:quir-e any persf.:>n 2.r:-:>lyinq for a '.:ha;1gc H\ <br />zor.inq classification, or a p.:>c:",: or license for any <br />structure, operation, precess, iIistallc:tion, or alteratic'1, <br />or pl'oj~ct that may bE: consid2rcd a paLer.tial ;-,oise source <br />to subrr,it a noisE i;:;pact statement on d ferm lJ1''- scribed by <br />the Cou~cil. It shall evaluate each such statement and take <br />its evaluation into account in aFp1'~vlnq or disapprcv;ng the <br />license or permit applied for, 0r the zoning change <br />requested. <br /> <br /> <br />C. Cri:~,in"l PC!1,)lties. <br />E'I:.--ry person i,.,,~ho 'viola~(~s any provisic::n of this (',:~dird~~.:~:12 i$i <br />gu~ "ty cf a ~isde~ca~cr and s~all, upon c~nvlctlon, ~n sub- <br />jecL l.) a f inl2 o_~~ not. t:0rc t:~ -::n $5~:~') - on t cr i1;.pr lsorl:::~- !1t for <br />a te~~ nut to exceed (CJO) days, or botr-:.. plUS In <br />~i~J~~r r~s~" the ~osts 0t rr0~cc~tlon. Each act C~ \~jolatlO]' <br /> <br />and each day a ~~. iol:jt..:o~: C'LC:";:-S CL <br />separ~tc oi1.cnsc. <br /> <br />.' - -- - ...- <br />"---.....J J ~ A.,~.' _, <br /> <br />~..~.+i...~~ .1 <br /> <br />207 . 8~ f). ~~lX') ,")n,~~~. <br />.\ny pe!~scr;. nay ,;.pply tc: t~1C C'1ty :~.__cu~;;:-il <br />requircrnent~; of this ~rd::1~:~~e pri.o~ to <br />',,:.:Juld ot.he:.-;,'isc consti"t.t~t(' (1 "\:iC' <br /> <br />for- " v.)l'i:ir. '0 {!-(~;:) the <br />doin,~ thO~~2 ':"\::~s ~'hich <br />of t.his OJ:dinanc:c. For <br /> <br />S:"od C~lUSC :..::ho\,;n, tt:~~ ('c;:'~:;\.-l ::.;)y, i:1 ;_....:..-. sole Jis(.~-('t:on. <br />ei t~("r gL:".:1il1: 01: deny the "\"ari:1::\.. '.. If t:',t;' \-'ari.~ncL: i::.; q":"anter4 <br />the' C0u!:ci~ i;\,:1Y 1i:,f1CSC rC,}sC'nd~';e ':c;J\i_~t.1on~-:. :c it. <br /> <br />.... .. <br /> <br /> <br />