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<br /> <br />Mark Rancone, Case No. 2046 <br /> <br />:'age 2 <br /> <br />5. That no r.:Jofip.g ,"echanic~l units be visible from the <br />gro'..lnd. <br /> <br />6. That al: trash handling be enclosed in the b~ilding. <br /> <br />7. <br /> <br />That staff review final landscaping, <br />drainage plans including landscaping on <br />south sides of the building, and around <br />box on the south side of the building. <br /> <br />light ing, and <br />t~e ~orth Gir.d <br />the electricz.l <br /> <br /> <br />8. That final exterior colcr~ be reviewed by City staff. <br /> <br />9. At such time as the City det~rmin~s that a parking <br />problem exists, the o.mer shall be required to provide <br />additional parking north of the building as sholo''1 on <br />plans submitted December 29, 1989. <br /> <br />10. That no Certificate of Occupancy be ~ssued for any of <br />the remaining 2~,OOO squ3re feet until the remainder ~f <br />exterior requirements are completed. <br /> <br />In J:;muary of th is year Mr. Rancone and Dan C':)I!'.J!i::n:s of. ~oseville <br />Prvperties met with the City staff to discuss the possihility of <br />r~considering the conditions attached to th~ Sp€cia~ uSE< Permit <br />and variance, since REI (camping and sport-ing goods store) was <br />scheduled to move in as a ten~nt in ~he building in March, filling <br />the remaining 24,000 square feet of space. Their letter ~f 21 <br />J3nuary is attached. We told them they had the right to apply for <br />a new variance, but also told them several times th2t we believed <br />the original conditions were reasonable, th~t they w~re the <br />minimum conditions acceptable to the City, and that a further <br />modification of them \oras not lH~ely to be approved. They applied <br />for the varia~ce, citing financial considerations, but the <br />applicatio~ was delayed ana could ~ot ~e consid~r€d until the May <br />Planning ccm..'ilission !!I~eting, well after the March 1 opening of <br />REI. In light of this r ...e secured a bond fro!!! I'll'. CCImners fc>:r <br />$50,000 (the approximate co~t to complet~ the exterior work) which <br />the City may caLl if the "3riance is denied 3!1d tl1e v.'Ork is not <br />co~pleted as requiL~~. <br /> <br />Several times ~e asked ~he applicants t~ supply us with ~ detail~4 <br />drawing vr other represent.?,;'" Qn of exactly ,,'hat they were applying <br />for, so that we could cc:mpar~ this with the apt:'!.-oved buildIng <br />pla..s, and so we could include such a drawing in our planning <br />report.: to the Commission aad Council. This ..'35 not. supplied until <br />after the deadline for the May rnseting, further delaying the item <br />~rom the May meeting to the Jum~ r::ectir>g. The attachEd phot;:os <br />represent their request: ~o keep ~he building as is. <br /> <br /> <br />