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<br /> <br />~ar~ RancODe& Cag~ No. 2~46 <br /> <br />Page 3 <br /> <br />2. DEVELOPME~~ MJALYSIS <br /> <br /> <br />Following is a review of the status of thE; 1990 condit:ions of <br />approval: <br /> <br />1. That the c!evelopment be complete;! per plans suialitted <br />December 29; 1989. <br /> <br />As :1oted in Mr. CODmlers' letter, the north side of the <br />building and a portion of the north end of the ~~st side of <br />the building are not completed with the same stucco and <br />fascia treatment as ~le rest of the building. <br /> <br />2. Tba~ a Dev610pment Aqreement be formulated. <br /> <br />ComplEted. <br /> <br />3. That dedication ~f the appr~priate riqht-of-way occur. <br /> <br />Completed. <br /> <br />4. That a consistent ::xterior finish be proviOed On all <br />four sides of the building on or before June 1. " 1992, <br />or whenever any portiob of the reaaiuiDg 2.,000 square <br />feet is lea~ed for r~tail, vhichever occurs first. <br /> <br />This has not been completed, as noted above anc. on the <br />attached photos, This is one of the issues for '07hich the <br />applicant is L"equesting a variance. June 1 has passed und <br />the r~1!\ainin9 24,000 squi"1re f~et was leased on M~rch 1, <br />1992, t:o REI. The Planning Coromission, in its unanimous f) <br />Dacember 199C decision, specifically recommended that the <br />applica.n~ "abandor. the use of paint only as a renovation <br />concept for the west side of the stru;::turer!. <br /> <br />s. 'i'hat no roofing mech&nical units be visible from the <br />groun:j. <br /> <br />CCitpiie<>. <br /> <br />6. That sll trash han~ling be e~clo~ed in th~ buiLdiu~. <br /> <br />On a visit to the site on May 27, 1992, ther-~ were two <br />unenclosed dumpsters cn the west side (back} of the <br />bui l.ding, and a ~€mi-attached trash enclosure with its door <br />open. There were 3lso t....o piles of ....'ooden }:'3,let.s, each <br />consi$ting of over 40 loosely sta~ked pallets, one at the <br />N\\' corner of the bui ld i ng, one at. the SW corner. <br /> <br /> <br />