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<br />Dennis Welsch <br />May 9, 1996 <br />Page 2 <br /> <br />An employee parking lot is also provided on the south side of Commerce Street between <br />State Farm Boulevard and Pascal A venue. Access to this surface lot is provided by three <br />full-movement access dri veways. <br /> <br />Existing Roadway System <br /> <br />The existing geometries, traffic control and speeds of the roadway system adjacent to the site <br />were documented by field observations conducted by BRW, Inc. personnel in April 1996. <br />The results are shown in Figure 2. <br /> <br />The field observations indicated that: <br /> <br />TH 51 (Snelling Avenue) is a four lane divided roadway with a signalized <br />intersection with CR B. <br /> <br />County Road B is a four lane divided roadway between TH 51 and Pascal <br />A venue and a three lane roadway between Pascal A venue and Harn1ine <br />Avenue. The CR B intersections with State Farm Boulevard and Harn1ine <br />Avenue are signalized. The CR B intersections with Pascal Avenue and N. <br />Albert Street are through/stop controlled with CR B traffic uncontrolled. <br />The CR B intersection with the east TH 51 frontage road provides only <br />right in/right out access. <br /> <br />HamIine A venue is a three lane roadway between Commerce Street and CR <br />B with a signalized intersection at Commerce Street. <br /> <br />All of the access driveways to/from the State Farm office building and <br />south parking lot are stop controlled. <br /> <br />Commerce Street is a four lane divided roadway between Hamline Avenue <br />and N. Albert Street and a two lane roadway west of Albert Street. The <br />Commerce Street intersections with State Farm Boulevard, Pascal Avenue <br />and N. Albert Street are through/stop controlled with Commerce Street <br />traffic uncontrolled. <br /> <br />The slip ramps from N. Albert Street to/from eastbound TH 36 are non- <br />standard. The existing interchange configuration and spacing to the <br />upstream on-ramp from northbound TH 51 of 1,000 feet and to the <br />downstream off-ramp at Lexington Avenue 1,900 feet are undesirable and <br />inadequate based on current interchange design and spacing standards. TH <br />36 is a four lane freeway type roadway in this area. <br /> <br />The existing posted speeds in this area are: TH 36 - 55 mph, TH 51 - 50 <br />mph, CR B and Hamline A venue - 35 mph. <br /> <br />h' <br />