<br />1 10. Glass manufacturing and large glass products such as structural and plate glass.
<br />2 11. Graphite and graphite products. ..
<br />3 12. Hair, felt and feathers, bulk processing washing, cunng and dyemg.
<br />4 13. Ink fram primary ra'.".' materials including calars and pigment. .
<br />5 1 ~. Insecticides, fungicides, disinfectants and related industrial and househald chemICal
<br />
<br />6 campounds.
<br />7 15. Jute, hemp, sisal and aakum praducts.
<br />8 16. Leather and fur tanning, curing, finishing and dyeing. .. .
<br />9 17. Machinery, heavy manufacturing and repair including electrical, canstructlOn, mmmg
<br />10 and agricultural. . .
<br />11 18. Machinery, miscellaneaus light, and electrical equipment such as washI~g machmes,
<br />12 firearms, refrigeratars, air canditianing and cammercial matian picture eqUIpment.
<br />13 19. Machines, business such as typewriters, accaunting machines, calculators and card
<br />14 counting equipment. . .
<br />15 20. Machine toals such as metal lathes, metal presses, metal stampmg machmes and
<br />16 "vaad',vorking machines. ...
<br />17 21. Meat and fish praducts, packing and processing af but nat mcludmg slaughtenng and
<br />18 glue and size manufacturing. .
<br />19 22. Metal allays and foil, miscellaneaus such as solder, brass, bronze and tm, lead and gald
<br />20 fBi-h
<br />21 23. 'Metal and metal products, fabricatian, assembly, treatment and processing such as
<br />22 enameling, japanning, lacquering and galvanizing. .
<br />23 24. Metal casting and faundry praducts, heavy, including omamentalIromvark but not
<br />24 including magnesium faundries.
<br />25 25. Metals, preciaus and rare reduction, smelting and refining.
<br />26 26. Paper products, bulk, such as shipping cantainers and pulp ?oods, pressed ar malded
<br />27 (including papier mache), carbon paper and caated paper stencIls.
<br />28 27. Porcelain prO' ducts such as bathroom and kitchen equipment. (Ord. 446, 12 7 1964)
<br />29 28. A bingO' hall. (Ord. 1244, 12 18 2000) .
<br />30 Upon application, it is the palicy afthe city cauncil to cansider amendments t? the z.om~g code
<br />31 which ',vauld add to this list those uses "",hich are nat specified but are compatIble WIth lIsted
<br />32 permitted uses. (Ord. 446, 12 7 1964)
<br />
<br />33 B. Permitted Accessary Uses: The accessory uses permitted in areas zoned for general industry
<br />34 are identical to' thase permitted in I 1 light industrial districts. (Ord. 275, 5 12 1959)
<br />35 C. Uses Alla'."/ed By Conditional Use Permit:
<br />36 1. Heliports.
<br />37 2. Service statians. . .
<br />38 3. Starage, open and enclased, of the following: coal and gas, junk and salvage, refrlgeratmg
<br />39 plants, scrap metal, paper and rags.
<br />40 4. Matar freight terminals. (Ord. 275, 5 12 1959; amd. 1995 Cade)
<br />41 5. Cammercial autO' ''lashing. (Ord. 365, 3 26 1962)
<br />42 6. Tire recapping, but with nO' exterior storage provided that proper dust cantrol measures be
<br />43 installed and used. (Ord. 546,6 26 1967)
<br />44 7. Dag kennels. (Ord. 652,6 21 1971) .
<br />45 8. Matar vehicle dealers. This pra,,'isian autharizes the sale af ne'."/ matar velucles by a
<br />
<br />14
<br />