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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,December 8, 2014 <br /> Page 42 <br /> 14. Business Items—Presentations/Discussions <br /> a. Request by the Community Development Department for Direction on the <br /> Creation of a Formal Voluntary Environmental Assessment Worksheet <br /> (EAW) Waiver Process for Projects Zoned Community Mixed-Use (CMU) in <br /> the Twin Lakes Redevelopment Area <br /> Community Development Director Paul Bilotta and City Planner Thomas Paschke <br /> were present to discuss this draft worksheet, as detailed in the RCA dated Decem- <br /> ber 8, 2014. Mr. Bilotta explained that the worksheet actually mirrored pieces of <br /> a formal Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW), but where the City's Al- <br /> ternative Urban Area-wide Review (AUAR) indicated there was no issue it pro- <br /> vided a level of review at a more cursory nature based on those lesser elements. <br /> Mr. Bilotta noted that the City Council could then determine where specific <br /> changes may be needed, mostly related to traffic issues, stormwater and hazard- <br /> ous waste materials onsite, along with any other elements that may be evident as <br /> well. <br /> On page 5, #26 (Visual Impacts), Councilmember Etten asked for more infor- <br /> mation on what and how those visual impacts would be identified. <br /> City Planner Paschke advised that it was taken from the existing AUAR and de- <br /> pended on how it was answered at that time. <br /> Mr. Bilotta advised that it may vary depending on the actual location, and would <br /> be at City Council discretion to consider those issues for each project. <br /> If someone proposed something that the City Council considered applicable, <br /> Councilmember Etten asked if applicants were then not required to repeat that <br /> analysis; opining that he thought the visual impact should be part of the prelimi- <br /> nary review process. <br /> Mayor Roe concurred, opining that, even if the answer in the AUAR process was <br /> "no," the City Council should still have the option of asking the question versus <br /> simply eliminating it. <br /> Mr. Paschke responded that staff thought an applicant should answer every ques- <br /> tions, depending on the location of the development, to determine if and how it <br /> was applicable, prior to the project being presented to the City Council for their <br /> review and consideration. <br /> Mayor Roe opined that he preferred that the applicant answer ALL questions. <br /> Councilmember Etten concurred, that he preferred them all included. <br />