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7/22/2005 7:05:17 AM
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Planning Files - Planning File #
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Special Use Permit
1121-1169/1701 Larpenteur Ave W
Date Final City Council Action
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<br />Case Number: 958-76 <br />"1arch 3. t 1976 <br /> <br />Page Three <br /> <br />- <br /> <br />5. As you all knowt thl~ portion of the shoppIng center SIte and the <br />contIguous property to the west In1tIally developed for the Spartan <br />Stores 1S separated from Olone Street and nunlap Street by a 40 foot <br />screen1ng area and a fence. ThIS was done at the time of the deve1op- <br />ment of the expans10n of the shopp1ng center and the Spartan Stores <br />so as to prOVIde a transit10n to the s1ngle famIly areas to the north <br />and to prevent persons parkIng on those streets and g01ng to the <br />shopping center. ThIS cond1t1on would appear to affect1vely lnhibit <br />anyone from parklng 1n those residentIal streets for purposes of <br />shopp1ng at the garden center. <br /> <br />6. The overall development plan of the proposed center appears to be <br />attract1vely done The only area of concern m1ght be that of adequate <br />park1ng space. lhe proposed development des1gn lneludes 10 parking <br />spaces contlguous to the garden center. itself. There are an <br />add1tional 9 spaces on the west slde of the shopplng cente!" immedlately <br />south of the proposed garden center. The eXlsting garder center <br />building of 3t750 square feet plus the proposed 1.400 s':;'lare foot green- <br />house would total 5,150 square feet. This would theoretTcally require <br />28 parking spaces in accordance WIth the retail bUlld1ng oarking <br />requirements of the Ordinance ~~lch 1S 5.5 parking spaces for the f~rst <br />25,000 square fpet and 7 park1ng spaces for the remaining square footage <br />up to 200tOOO square feet. <br /> <br />7. The shopp1ng center to the south has 73.430 gross square feet. The center <br />has a theoretlcal parking need for 476.~ parklog spaces. Total park1ng <br />spaces provlded are 369t however. observation of the shopping center <br />over these many years would 1ndicate that there 1S adequate parking <br />space for thlS part1cular center. In view of the seasonal nature of the <br />garden center. 1tself. we qu~st1on ':.ether the addition of the 1.400 <br />square foot greenhouse wlll have any slgnIflcant effect on the parking <br />needs in the shoppi ng center. 1 tse 1 f. rhe Rosevi11 e Ordi nance <br />provides for the use of JOlnt parklng fac11ltles wlth st1pulatlon that <br />such park1ng be w1tllln 300 feet of J01nt uses. The dlstance from the <br />garden centrr to the main park1ng area serVlng the shopping center i~ <br />approximateiy 240 feet. <br /> <br />8. There also exists a Joint parklng easement agreement betl'leen the Rosevlll <br />ShoPlnng Center and the "Spartan PropertY' to the west. Th1s easelT'ent <br />applIes to the southerly 168 feet which 1S the depth (north-south) of <br />the maln parklng lot on the south s1de of the shoPPlng center. Though <br />this agreement provides for parklng efficiencYt it has relatively <br />little lmpact on need .n the sense that parklng requirements for the <br />remodeled Spartan Store are as great or greater than the shopping center <br />itself. The fact 15 that people shOPPIng 1n the area. park wherever they <br />hke whether they are shoP.>lng at the center or at one of the three uses <br />10 the old Spartan Store (Appleb~ums~ Rosevllle Thedtre~ or the Craft <br />Shop). A nuMber of the eXlstlng uses 1n the shopp1ng center and the <br />garden center. ltself) are not tYP1cal retall square footage and require <br />less parklng than the formula would 1ndlcate. such uses Include the <br />doctor's 0, Ices., the COlTlllUnlty Credlt offIces. the photography shop. the <br />lllsurance offIce, the carpet shop(a low lntenslty user)., and the cleaners. <br /> <br />,- <br />~. <br />
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