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Community Engagement Commission Minutes <br />January 15, 2015 – Draft Minutes <br />Page 10 of 18 <br /> <br />governments’ help in the formation and sustaining of neighborhood associations. He asked if 405 <br />they had any feedback and invited discussion. 406 <br /> 407 <br />Ms. McCormick stated said she liked Commissioner Ramundt’s distinction and she agreed with 408 <br />the concept. She liked the idea of having it focused on neighborhood associations yet 409 <br />encompassing other items. 410 <br /> 411 <br />Ms. Hilden stated added she believed this the task force was a good thing. She stated 412 <br />commented the City had not promoted neighborhood associations in the past and although she 413 <br />had offered her services on many occasions to give guidance and discuss neighborhood 414 <br />associations. She stated she had been Based upon her experience as a community organizer in 415 <br />St. Paul with very different rules and regulations she had a was also concerned in terms of cities 416 <br />intervening too much in this because one of the things that she had learned over the years was 417 <br />that if they formalize things too much it did not work. She stated it was important to have fun. 418 <br />She stated concluded that she did not want the City to direct neighborhood associations too 419 <br />much. 420 <br /> 421 <br />Chair Grefenberg stated suggested many of these issues could be discussed in the task force itself 422 <br />who which would make recommendations to the committee Commission and to the Council. 423 <br /> 424 <br />Commissioner Ramundt stated based on this and her experience, the task force could decide how 425 <br />formal they want to be. Chair Grefenberg stated added that the task force wouldn’t be regulated 426 <br />by the Open Meeting Law so it could make decisions via e-mail or phone. That allowed the task 427 <br />force so in that sense it to not need not to have a lot of formal meetings. 428 <br /> 429 <br />Ms. Hilden stated they had actually gotten the association listed as a non-profit and it was listed 430 <br />with the city in their brochure, but commented to having the City have requiring too much 431 <br />structure in an association was her concern. 432 <br /> 433 <br />Chair Grefenberg stated suggested the Commission he wanted to move onto the current issue 434 <br />motion before it them, including the Neighborhood Association Task Force description intended 435 <br />for potential volunteers. 436 <br /> 437 <br />Commissioner Ramundt stated Ms. Hilden made a good point; she herself because she did not 438 <br />want the task force to be directly involved in the neighborhood association, but this would be 439 <br />how the City could interface with a neighborhood association and how the City could support a 440 <br />neighborhood association. 441 <br /> 442 <br />Ms. Hilden state she believed that would be excellent. 443 <br /> 444 <br />Chair Grefenberg drew the Commissioners attention to stated one of the issues was the current 445 <br />language in the Volunteer Appeal’s first paragraph, which would could be revised to refer to a 3 446 <br />to 4 months task force life span. [A copy of this entire handout is attached to these minutes and 447 <br />herein made part of the record.] He noted in part this was based on a prior conversation he had 448 <br />with Ms. McCormick wherein she did not want people potential volunteers to think that they 449
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