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Community Engagement Commission Minutes <br />January 15, 2015 – Draft Minutes <br />Page 8 of 18 <br /> <br />Commissioner Ramundt stated she believed there would be some reference to language because 317 <br />the last task force she was on was supposed to be six months and went 18 months. She believed 318 <br />some expectation as to duration was needed. She stated if the task force wanted to set something 319 <br />other than the recommendation they could do that once it was up and running, but at least there 320 <br />would be an expectation set. 321 <br /> 322 <br />Commissioner Gardella suggested adding the word approximately because sometimes things go 323 <br />longer than anticipated or it could go faster. 324 <br /> 325 <br />Chair Grefenberg stated said the Commission would hopefully look at the next meeting the 326 <br />volunteers and appoint them to the task force. He stated he was at a disadvantage because he sent 327 <br />everyone a copy but he did not have a copy. He stated they could also name it the Neighborhood 328 <br />Association Task Force to give it a little leeway to discuss other issues. He recommended saying 329 <br />describing the task force would be as having a 3 to 4 month task force duration. 330 <br /> 331 <br />Commissioner Gardella stated she was in favor of leaving neighborhood in the name, as there 332 <br />were different ways to address this. 333 <br /> 334 <br />Vice Chair Becker stated suggested it should be up to a neighborhood to decide how it wanted to 335 <br />formalize their neighborhood organization. 336 <br /> 337 <br />Commissioner Ramundt stated commented that the topic of neighborhood associations could 338 <br />consume 3 to 4 months alone; and this was her concern. She stated Maybe this was an initial 339 <br />task force around neighborhood associations and then there was could be a subsequent task force 340 <br />around something else at a later date. She stated maybe the neighborhood association task force 341 <br />could come up with the next task force, but in order to keep it short and accomplish something 342 <br />they needed a focus. 343 <br /> 344 <br />Commissioner Mueller stated she thought it would be a neighborhood association task force 345 <br />when they initially discussed this. She stated agreed with Commissioner Ramundt because she 346 <br />felt there was a lot of energy now on around the neighborhood association issue; and she felt it 347 <br />needed a lot of Commission attention to get things established for other groups who were might 348 <br />be interested in this, but if they tied in issues such as neighborhood empowerment etc this would 349 <br />be too much to where they would the effort could lose momentum and it would become more 350 <br />than they were intending right now. 351 <br /> 352 <br />Chair Grefenberg said he heard what she Mueller was saying, but he was trying to give add some 353 <br />flexibility to the task force’s charge so as to incorporate what Commissioners Becker and 354 <br />Gardella had said. 355 <br /> 356 <br />Commissioner Gardella stated indicated she was comfortable incorporating what Commissioner 357 <br />Ramundt’s said concerns because in the Task Force’s conversations she believed he would see it 358 <br />would become apparent that not everyone wanted to form associations, and there might be other 359 <br />ways. She was concerned about 3 to 4 months which was 6 hours to do the work. She believed 360
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