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would be caused or exacerbated by project construction and operation. Identify measures to <br />avoid, minimize or mitigate adverse effects from existing contamination or potential <br />environmental hazards. Include development of a Contingency Plan or Response Action Plan. <br />B. <br />Project related generation/storage of solid wastes: Describe solid wastes generated/stored during <br />construction and/or operation of the project. Indicate method of disposal. Discuss potential <br />environmental effects from solid waste handling, storage and disposal. Identify measures to <br />avoid, minimize or mitigate adverse effects from the generation/storage of solid waste including <br />source reduction and recycling. <br />C. <br />Project related use/storage of hazardous materials: Describe chemicals/hazardous materials <br />used/stored during construction and/or operation of the project including method of storage. <br />Indicate the number, location and size of any above or below ground tanks to store petroleum or <br />other materials. Discuss potential environmental effects from accidental spill or release of <br />hazardous materials. Identify measures to avoid, minimize or mitigate adverse effects from the <br />use/storage of chemicals/hazardous materials including source reduction and recycling. Include <br />development of a spill prevention plan. <br />D. <br />Project related generation/storage of hazardous wastes: Describe hazardous wastes <br />generated/stored during construction and/or operation of the project. Indicate method of disposal. <br />Discuss potential environmental effects from hazardous waste handling, storage, and disposal. <br />Identify measures to avoid, minimize or mitigate adverse effects from the generation/storage of <br />hazardous waste including source reduction and recycling. <br />11.Air <br />A. <br />Stationary source emissions: Describe the type, sources, quantities and compositions of any <br />emissions from stationary sources such as boilers or exhaust stacks. Include any hazardous air <br />pollutants, criteria pollutants, and any greenhouse gases. Discuss effects to air quality including <br />any sensitive receptors, human health or applicable regulatory criteria. Include a discussion of <br />any methods used assess the projectÓs effect on air quality and the results of that assessment. <br />Identify pollution control equipment and other measures that will be taken to avoid, minimize, or <br />mitigate adverse effects from stationary source emissions. <br />B. <br />Vehicle emissions: Describe the effect of the projectÓs traffic generation on air emissions. <br />Discuss the projectÓs vehicle-related emissions effect on air quality. Identify measures (e.g. <br />traffic operational improvements, diesel idling minimization plan) that will be taken to minimize <br />or mitigate vehicle-related emissions. <br />C. <br />Dust and odors: Describe sources, characteristics, duration, quantities, and intensity of dust and <br />odors generated during project construction and operation. (Fugitive dust may be discussed <br />under Item 11.A. Discuss the effect of dust and odors in the vicinity of the project including <br />nearby sensitive receptors and quality of life. Identify measures that will be taken to minimize or <br />mitigate the effects of dust and odors. <br />12.Noise: <br /> Describe sources, characteristics, duration, quantities, and intensity of noise generated during <br />project construction and operation. Discuss the effect of noise in the vicinity of the project including <br />1) existing noise levels/sources in the area, 2) nearby sensitive receptors, 3) conformance to state <br />noise standards, and 4) quality of life. Identify measures that will be taken to minimize or mitigate <br />the effects of noise. <br />13.Transportation <br /> <br />A. <br />Describe traffic-related aspects of project construction and operation. Include: 1) existing and <br />proposed additional parking spaces, 2) estimated total average daily traffic generated, 3) <br />estimated maximum peak hour traffic generated and time of occurrence, 4) indicate source of trip <br />generation rates used in the estimates, and 5) availability of transit and/or other alternative <br />transportation modes. <br /> <br />