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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, February 9,2015 <br /> Page 15 <br /> Regarding the aerials provided by drone from the developer, Ms. McCormack <br /> disagreed that the proposed development and size would not negatively impact or <br /> be obviously visible to the existing neighborhoods, since it was purported to be <br /> separated by existing retail development and over 700' away. <br /> Ms. McCormack noted that, since the Twin Lakes planning sessions were mid- <br /> way and community survey responses that had been given significant time by <br /> neighbors and were yet to be analyzed, opined that this conversation was prelimi- <br /> nary. Ms. McCormack noted and agreed that the lake and park were critical com- <br /> ponents for many residents and further opined that height was also of concern. <br /> Ms. McCormack noted she had additional petitions yet to be submitted, which <br /> she would do at a subsequent meeting in the near future, beyond those already <br /> submitted at the January 5, 2015 City Council meeting. Ms. McCormack remind- <br /> ed Councilmembers that the petition had yet to receive a public acknowledgement <br /> or City Council response. Ms. McCormack stated that the neighborhood was <br /> open to seeing what was feasible; but questioned if the building(s) needed to be <br /> four stories. Ms. McCormack opined that it would be critical to the neighbors to <br /> be assured of the financial feasibility of the project, especially since there ap- <br /> peared to be varying opinions on what it would take to make it work financially. <br /> Ms. McCormack spoke in support of additional conversation as to whether this is <br /> the right site for the proposed development, and in displaying another aerial <br /> showing high density zoning (HDR) in the area immediately north of North Ter- <br /> race Drive, questioned the validity of that same zoning designation on the subject <br /> parcel. Ms. McCormack advised that the neighborhood petitions had intended to <br /> address those applicable zoning concerns. <br /> Janet Hagen, current owner of the subject property <br /> Ms. Hagen clarified that she was not a Roseville resident, but was speaking as the <br /> current business owner succeeding her deceased husband. Ms. Hagen provided a <br /> background on ownership and use of the property and failed attempts to sell it in <br /> the past for development, made difficult with government stipulations due to soil <br /> contamination and changing zoning regulations. Ms. Hagen noted the difficult <br /> position she found herself in trying to market this property under those circum- <br /> stances; opining that she thought she had found a good solution for all parties, in- <br /> cluding the City of Roseville and its residents, when Sherman Associates had ex- <br /> pressed their interest in purchasing the parcels and based on their reputation and <br /> past project successes. Ms. Hagen opined that the potential increased tax base for <br /> the City should serve as a huge asset, and asked that the City Council recognize <br /> past attempts and difficulties in selling the property over a number of years. Ms. <br /> Hagen questioned if it was now necessary to start all over again; and suggested <br /> that, while this development may not be perfect for all but it was more involved <br /> and not always possible to achieve perfection or for picking and choosing projects <br />