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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,February 9, 2015 <br /> Page 7 <br /> ent changes as proposed to include affordable housing units, Councilmember <br /> McGehee stated that she could not and would not support a project that separated <br /> those work force units assigned to one building and higher end units in another <br /> building. Councilmember McGehee stated that she preferred a mix of units <br /> throughout the development, with comparable buildings, materials, and amenities. <br /> Councilmember McGehee opined that to construct the two buildings as currently <br /> proposed would infer designation of one building as "second class" and she was <br /> not interested in such a perception within the City of Roseville. Specific to this <br /> proposal, Councilmember McGehee expressed appreciation that it had come for- <br /> ward now for this discussion, especially since a lot had changed since the initial <br /> presentation in June and prior to civic input. Councilmember McGehee expressed <br /> her support that the Twin Lakes Parkway component had been separated from this <br /> development proposal, noting that while the survey was not integral to this plan <br /> and access not essential for the development on this site, it was an important con- <br /> sideration for the neighborhood. While the developer had clearly worked on ob- <br /> taining a significant amount of necessary funding, Councilmember McGehee not- <br /> ed that a substantial amount was still being requested to come from the City of <br /> Roseville. Councilmember McGehee questioned if her recollection of the original <br /> presentation was her oversight in not recognizing the intent of the developer to in- <br /> clude affordable housing units; but stated she was under the impression she had <br /> been approving along with her colleagues whether the development got funded, <br /> and did not expect massive funding requirements be provided by the City of Ro- <br /> seville. <br /> At the request of Councilmember Etten, Mr. Sherman reported that there was as <br /> of yet no confirmation of a tenant for the commercial component of the project, <br /> but advised that they continued to work with a number of potential retail and/or <br /> restaurant tenants. However, Mr. Sherman further advised that the tenants were <br /> reluctant to commit until they were assured the project was going to happen. Mr. <br /> Sherman, noting that previous successful Sherman Associates developments that <br /> spoke for themselves, expressed assurance that this development could and would <br /> be successful. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte provided her recollection from past discussions that the <br /> project always included a small percentage of workforce or affordable housing <br /> units, even though she suspected those numbers had changed over time, causing <br /> her some reservations about the new ratios compared to those given during before <br /> the City Council's original approval of the proposed project. Councilmember <br /> Laliberte also expressed concerns regarding the amount of money the City needed <br /> to supply the project, and even though the developer had described the current use <br /> in the area as obsolete space, noted the significant amount of interest and devel- <br /> opment now occurring in this redevelopment area. Councilmember Laliberte <br /> questioned creating a perception that there were no other options or potential de- <br /> velopments available. <br /> Mayor Roe questioned if that was what the comment was intended to represent. <br />