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City Council Meeting Minutes
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3/2/2015 2:49:36 PM
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3/2/2015 2:49:19 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, February 9,2015 <br /> Page 8 <br /> Councilmember Laliberte reiterated that considerable development and discussion <br /> was occurring in this area; and suggested caution was needed on what was devel- <br /> oped and where it was done, especially when the development was seeking public <br /> taxpayer funds. <br /> Specific to a mix of units in both buildings rather than separate buildings, Mayor <br /> Roe advised that he would support that concept. Mayor Roe asked Mr. Sherman <br /> if he had any projected numbers of what gap financing would be requested from <br /> the City. <br /> Mr. Sherman advised that in the overall mix in types of housing units, the intent <br /> was for 40% workforce and 60% market rate units. Mr. Sherman reviewed ra- <br /> tionale, based on Metropolitan Council input, that market rate units were larger in <br /> square footage and provided larger common area amenity packages to meet the <br /> needs of tenants versus the smaller footprint for a 1 to 2 person family unit, re- <br /> quiring less in amenities by nature. Mr. Sherman noted that the cost for each unit <br /> would be essentially the same (e.g. cabinets, appliances), but just vary in square <br /> footage for market rate versus affordable units. If the affordable unit component <br /> was eliminated or significantly reduced, Mr. Sherman advised that the tax credit <br /> equity funding source may no longer be available to the project, which in turn <br /> would increase the gap funding required from the City or other sources. Mr. <br /> Sherman advised that it was tough to sell the project when providing less than <br /> 50% workforce units, thus their proposal for the buildings as noted. Mr. Sherman <br /> advised that physically it could be accomplished, and expressed willingness to see <br /> if they could make such a program work to make the project more efficient and <br /> viable for investors. However, Mr. Sherman reiterated that the tax credit program <br /> would not work unless there were at least 50% workforce units. Mr. Sherman ad- <br /> vised that they would return to their lenders to seek their willingness to make that <br /> adjustment or see if other arrangements could be made that would still make the <br /> project financing work. <br /> Specific to the requested financing from the City of Roseville, Mr. Sherman ad- <br /> vised that the request, as generally outlined last summer, would be for"pay as you <br /> go" tax increment financing (TIF) in an amount of $3 million to $3.5 million; <br /> with the developer taking the risk. However, Mr. Sherman noted that this request <br /> had not been formalized at this time and if the project proceeded, would come <br /> forward to the City Council as a separate presentation and request at that time. <br /> At the request of Mayor Roe for clarification, Mr. Sherman advised that, while the <br /> actual financing gap remained very preliminary at this point, the City's participa- <br /> tion should not exceed$3.5 million. <br /> Mayor Roe reiterated that if Building A as displayed provided for more than 50% <br /> but less than 100%workforce housing, with some of those units mixed into Build- <br />
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