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City Council Meeting Retreat <br /> Tuesday, February 18,2015 <br /> Page 25 <br /> Mayor Roe concurred, noting that it would serve to grade the municipal govern- <br /> ance across the board, since everyone was in it together and everyone was respon- <br /> sible for that good performance. <br /> Suggested KOI <br /> • City Council decision-making <br /> • Respectful leadership <br /> Infrastructure Sustainability <br /> (Subgroup: Councilmember Willmus and Public Works Director Schwartz and Parks & <br /> Recreation Director Brokke) <br /> Priorities: Funding; Long-term planning; Equipment, facilities, and in-ground; Accom- <br /> modates change without extreme dollar fluctuation; Innovation; Reliability; Long life cy- <br /> cle;Matches community needs and values;Address Current Deficits <br /> Key Outcome Indicators (KOI) <br /> Capital Improvement Funding <br /> Target: Identify unfunded needs <br /> Mr. Rapp opined that this target was actually step 1 and should go into the initia- <br /> tive column. Mr. Rapp suggested that a more measureable target may be what <br /> percentage made sense for high priority or full funding over the next five years. <br /> Parks & Recreation Director Brokke noted that CIP funding needs over the next <br /> 20 years had already been identified. <br /> Mr. Rapp questioned if that was sufficient and well-defined enough. <br /> Councilmember Willmus noted that originally the City had looked at a much <br /> shorter term within a few years to identify those needs and put some measures in <br /> place to track performance. <br /> Mr. Rapp admitted that, for two years, it was a big task, but would result in com- <br /> ing out with a prioritized list and result in a good, measurable outcome within two <br /> years; and beyond that 2 year timeframe, identification of full funding for all <br /> needs. <br /> Councilmember Etten expressed confusion, asking if this list wasn't already <br /> available and updated annually. Councilmember Etten recognized that there were <br /> two different priority lists for pathways, which remained at tremendous demand in <br /> the community, but asked what additional measurement was necessary beyond <br /> that. <br /> Public Works Director Schwartz advised that it would identify and target unfund- <br /> ed items. <br />