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City Council Meeting Retreat <br /> Tuesday, February 18, 2015 <br /> Page 26 <br /> Councilmember McGehee observed that in other communities they use a five- <br /> year timeframe to ensure the commitment is there, stating she was unaware of any <br /> other city using a 20 year plan. Councilmember McGehee opined that by looking <br /> out so far into the future, some things got pushed off; and she would prefer to fo- <br /> cus back into serious funding for a shorter time period. <br /> Mayor Roe cautioned that if you don't look out far enough, you don't see upcom- <br /> ing problems, which had already been discussed. Mayor Roe noted that the City <br /> was already aware of two areas that were unfunded: roads and pathways, and sug- <br /> gested focusing on an outcome to fund those areas at a minimum over the next <br /> few years. <br /> After further discussion, it was the consensus that the KOI was: <br /> A list, with identified funding stream, allowing the needs to be identified as the <br /> first step; then identifying funding sources; and then how to prioritize the list. <br /> The KOI within the two-year timeframe would be to fund the CIP for all identi- <br /> fied infrastructure, equipment and other CIP needs. <br /> Councilmember Etten clarified that the picture should be completed for the City's <br /> larger needs that are in high demand. <br /> Mr. Rapp suggested the target may be to adopt a comprehensive infrastruc- <br /> ture plan, with the outcome being the strategy to accomplish that. <br /> Infrastructure Condition <br /> Target: Identify City condition standards and an index for each successful <br /> lifespan <br /> Mr. Rapp suggested a "how"or Indicator may be "Monitor infrastructure con- <br /> ditions and the target: based on industry standards for each. <br /> Councilmember McGehee noted the existence of the City's Asset Management <br /> Program; and suggested a target may be completion of that data input and use <br /> across the board, or a way to feed results from the program back into the CIP <br /> funding issue. <br /> Public Works Director Schwartz clarified that the data in the program is used to <br /> feed back to the CIP and identify city condition standards for users and funding. <br /> Mr. Schwartz noted considerations included at point they should be replaced <br /> based on community expectations, industry standards, life cycle costs, etc. <br /> Mr. Rapp noted that having those standards would not be a simple matter, and the <br /> City Council would need to discuss the costs and implications of changing current <br /> replacement cycles (e.g. pavement index condition standards). <br />