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City Council Meeting Retreat <br /> Tuesday, February 18, 2015 <br /> Page 31 <br /> Mr. Bilotta suggested the target could be: "Prepare a plan or adopt a plan for <br /> better linking resource allocation to citizen expectation." <br /> Mayor Roe suggested it may be a way or means to adopt it. <br /> Mr. Bilotta suggested there may be several techniques to accomplish the same <br /> end. <br /> Mr. Rapp noted that realistically the best that could be achieved within a two year <br /> period would be to develop a process. <br /> Finance Director Miller asked if the intent was to adopt an actual plan and how to <br /> link it by a formula or mechanism or just having being aware or make a conscious <br /> effort to link the two. <br /> Mayor Roe opined that there needed to be some measurement of whether or not <br /> it's been accomplished. Mayor Roe noted that this has always been a struggle <br /> throughout the budget process, how to allocate funds based on priorities. <br /> If the desired outcome is to have a budget or resource allocation that reflected <br /> stakeholder needs, Mr. Rapp suggested simply stating that. KOI: Resource allo- <br /> cation reflects stakeholder expectations with the target: being to align alloca- <br /> tions and expectations based on available information and data, by developing a <br /> plan within the two years. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte opined that at no point would be a perfect system, and <br /> as a body, the City Council would still need to make decisions based on their level <br /> of information compared to that of survey respondents from their municipal expe- <br /> rience, as long as they remained reflective and kept in mind the expectations of its <br /> taxpayers. <br /> Mr. Rapp opined that the targets were aspiration, and making on-the-ground deci- <br /> sions would always be necessary or addressing something that may occur during <br /> the middle of the year, since change always happened, making some of those ex- <br /> pectations no longer realistic, but still keeping the aspiration in front of the group. <br /> Mr. Rapp noted that this would require periodically refining reality to match the <br /> environment, and educating and making the public aware that the goal was not <br /> lost, but was being addressed within the reality of the budget, and when not lined <br /> up exactly still making them aware that you did the best you could based on that <br /> reality. <br /> By consensus, the following was approved: <br /> Adopt a budget that reflects stakeholder priorities <br /> Target: establish initiatives on how that happens and where it comes from as <br /> established through the strategic initiatives. <br />